Performance Air Filters

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May 4, 2012
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Ive been thinking about upgrading my air filter.

I've heard K&N do a terrible job these days, so I was looking at a unifilter.

Anyone got any thoughts or experience with these filters? Or am I better off sticking to the standard Nissan cardboard type?

I thought about going to a K&N but hear a lot of people recommend just sticking with the stock paper filter. They seem to hold up well.
yeah I brought a K&N filter and regret paying the ridiculous money for it now. the filter was too long and didn't fit properly and when I got it to fit and just warpped the filter and now it's ****ed
Hey mate I have looked into this as well and have been told that oil filters are pretty bad for turbo diesels as they will eventually clog up the intake. Nearly every1 I have spoken to said don't touch the uni filters and reffered them to an oily sponge that will eventually perrish and parts of them will break off and get sucked through your engine. K&N are apparently the best way to go as you can leave them un oiled and clean them as you please with the K&N filter cleaning kit, you can also apply a very thin oil coating on the outside of the filter if you wish...... Pretty sure K&N don't make a filter to fit any D22 so you would have to find 1 from there range that does
i wouldn't use a K&N filter unoiled, the oil is what gives it it's filtration properties, the dust etc sticks to it and doesn't pass through, using one without oil is just providing minimum filtration.
i'm happy to use the standard nissan one atm, because it's so stupid dusty up here i blow it out every couple weeks with the air compressor, was thinking of getting a sock for my snorkel and seeing if that helped.
i wouldn't use a K&N filter unoiled, the oil is what gives it it's filtration properties, the dust etc sticks to it and doesn't pass through, using one without oil is just providing minimum filtration.
i'm happy to use the standard nissan one atm, because it's so stupid dusty up here i blow it out every couple weeks with the air compressor, was thinking of getting a sock for my snorkel and seeing if that helped.

Just a friendly hint... I'd avoid blowing it out with the air compressor as it causes small tears and separations of the fibres and lets the larger dust particles through.... unless you're super careful and it can be alright..
Just a friendly hint... I'd avoid blowing it out with the air compressor as it causes small tears and separations of the fibres and lets the larger dust particles through.... unless you're super careful and it can be alright..

i normally don't go too close but i'll definitely keep this in mind in the future, i think buying one every 5000km or so would be good long term insurance also.
As I have said before, when these aftermarket companies spend as much on testing as car manufactures. I might believe them.

I have wasted enough money on aftermarket ****.

Ill stick with genuine for now on.
I have a oiled foam sock over the snorkel and it works a treat, stops all the bugs grasshoppers etc getting into the paper filter and it lasts for months.

I've got a uni filter, it's ****. Dont buy one.

A. It doesn't fit the airbox properly, over time it will begin to warp around the edges.

B. The oil is near on impossible to clean with the provided cleaner. It's always sticky after you've cleaned it.

C. If you use mineral turps to clean it, it will strip all the glue holding the filter together..

D. The filter oil can be found all around the air filter box and in the pipe all the way to the turbo.

My advice is the stock filter is the best filter. Even in my Tarmac rally car I still use the stock filter.

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I have a K&N Apollo and while I liked it I am now searching for another 80 series airbox.
I can see how K&N has its uses but as stated without oil large particles get through and with oil it clogs up so fast from dust it is stupid.

I honestly think that the 80 series felt smoother to drive with. Big arse filter in a big arse air box. Has to be the best way to go.
I have a K&N and I only use it during winter as it gets too clogged up with dust and turns to mud in the filter. It was on the car when I got it but I am glad I didn't spend the cash on one.
Its still an oiled filter so it might gum up ur intake, I didn't no 2.5's were made back then

Here in chile, the 2.5 is the most common motor for d22, its weird to find 3.0 or 3.2 motors.

2.5 yd25 came from 2002 and above. Mine is 2.5 yd25 turbo diesel with intercooler.

Soon ill start a post in memebers rides
