Nissan to enter V8SC in 2013

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Yes, exactly John, totally agree.

It may have made it a "level playing field" (gee I hate cliches), but it's created a very bland visual spectacle, vehicle-wise and ability-wise.
Want some glasses?

I don't have any major trouble spotting each car because they have different paint jobs and numbers. :ha:

Are we blaming parody or parity? Some of the drivers are a bit of a joke but I'm still not sure the parody makes the cars look the same.

Its like watching a movie with subtitles, its interesting enough to stay in the chair but you miss heaps trying to read which is which.

I have to admit, I gave up on the series years ago when they changed color schemes and sponsors every other year. Oh and camps.

Anyway Nissan entering made it interesting enough for me to waste time watching it this week. Glad I did as I enjoyed seeing Van Gisbergens talent.

If I watched it with real interest I'm sure I could work it out.

"Parity" is responsible for front and rear down force devices looking the same as they have to match effect on each brand.

Maybe now when they see other teams using extra duct work to get cool air onto the drivers feet they will take notice.
So how goes things in the V8 Supertaxi world?

What's everyone's thoughts so far on COTF? Volvo coming in I think I heard???

Mercedes can't get the fuel consumption right? Or is that the Nissan's?
Triple 8 Engineering is still proving the team to beat.. Early money had Gary Rogers as the cars, but they are now back in the pack...

COTF does level the playing field, but when that field is 60% Holden, then it's never really that level.. That's coming from a die hard Holden person.

The Mercs sound brilliant, but still have some way to go with the technical nouse.. Nissan - with the Kelly's they only ever be an "also ran" - that's my opinion..

Volvo will bring something new and different to it, but I can't see a day 1 domination..

It is better than the previous iteration, but at the end of the day it's the same cars underneath with different shells on 'em (and engines)..

Make it more exciting in the overtaking.. Given them a REV BOOST button that has 2 minutes of usage time for the race..
I've given up watching the V8's unless the tv is on and I have nothing better to do. I used to watch each race religiously but the excitement level just isn't there anymore. However the worst part of it all is the telecast and those fcukwits that commentate.

C7 need to figure out if they want advertisers or viewers because having 8 ads every 5-6 laps is just annoying, although strangely enough a welcome break from listening to those idiot know it alls who think they are comedians.
Stop each race after every 2nd lap for adverts.

I wouldn't be surprised to see C7 have tried to make that part of the telecast clause. Although they delay enough of the telecast these days they could nearly get away with it without telling people.
Caught the endof that race. It was quite interesting listening to the comentators. They called them the buzzing hornets or some nonsense name. They called .them the Norton 360 team but at no time, although I may of missed it they called them Nissans or made note of fact It was the first Nissan 1,2 finish in quite somtime.
They called them the Hornets because of their colours , Yellow and Black, and they made note heaps of times that it was the first time in 21 years that Nissan had won a V8 Supercar race , even thought it wasnt V8 Supercars way back in the day
Good too see them get up for a change (not that I actually saw the race), even better to see that it wasn't one of the Kelly's that did it.

I saw on another forum there was some crap about fuel issues, couldn't be bothered looking into it but I'm guessing since no one here is talking about disqualifications then there was nothing to it.
Good to see Skaifies COTF idea which was suppose to mean parity across all cars is working so well.

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