New Shed

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+1 on the man cave. The new house has a shed on it that will be mine - I'll move my current equipment in and add some more. So far, microlathe, band saw, compound saw, scroll saw, grinder, drill press, router ... wouldn't mind a mill and would LOVE to have a CNC 40W CO2 laser cutting table.

Bonus is the wife said "You should make the shed bigger". I won't argue, I'll just get out the tools!
Mum's cousin has a laser cutting table at his factory, I can't for the life of me figure out what I need one for and the cows who for the majority of the time will be the only residents at the farm wont learn to use the thing because they are notoriously lazy creatures who seem to think they make enough money for us just by eating the grass.
am i the only one that believes that cows are smart..

think about it, if any species were too attack it would be them, they look docile, lazy

could this be but a front that they put up until judgement day, are we being trained to accept their laziness..
am i the only one that believes that cows are smart..

I've heard "Cows With Guns" believe me I don't take them for granted. Mind you the silly cow that decided to go through the fence this morning instead of going through the open gate only 20 feet away I'm not convinced is ready to take over the world.
Stomp and shit in the wettest parts of the farm to make it even sloppier, bend gates when they get stroppy and go through the fence instead of through the bloody gate next to it. Actually not having guns on the farm might actually be to protect them for us some days.
I get to shoot an butcher a cow soon, the boss said shoot the b#@ch, cant yard her cant shift paddocks, so I going to bbq her
Seriously that sounds like farming the hard way, we just off load the trouble makers and let someone else deal with it.
Its the only way, in the last 6 months thos mongrel has smashed couple of gates and ploughthrough the fence in the cattle yards 3 times. So I win
We've had several bulls bend the crap out of a couple of 14 foot gates and break a few hinges lately but putting them on the truck and letting someone pay us for them is much easier, we don't even have to be there to wave goodbye.
Thats the trouble this cow has flipped, we cant yard her. Weve had the truck at the race waiting and ready, then bang she goes over or through whatever or whoever is in her way
Last one we had in the truck like that that cost us $1500 in repairs, but the bitch still went to market. We just can't be stuffed slaughtering our own animals, it's too much work and our ideas of low maintenance farming just wont let us work that hard.
typically any troublesome animal just goes to the sale or direct to works.

usually don't do our own beef, just to big. don't really have the gear to do it. deer, pigs, sheep i have the setup for. its just far easier to get the home kill guy in for the big animals.