New D22 owner, need help

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Jan 26, 2022
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Hi Navara family,
I might be an intruder here, since the tailgate of my D22 says Frontier, lol.
It's a 2007 Japanese model, with a ZD30DDT, can't find any info and details on it.
Except that it seems identical to Australian Navara D22 model.

I'm on an island in the Caribbean, and I've been looking for a 4 door ute for a while. It's nearly impossible to import one since it has to be less than 10 years old and then pay 120% taxes one the value + freight.
Anyhow, finally got lucky with that D22.
It's a Nissan Frontier CNUD22 2007 from Japan, chassis Jn1cnud22z0013479, model cwsurcfd22twnajrhe, with a ZD30 diesel engine and has 160 000 miles on the speedo.
It belonged to the local water authority, so it's beat up and in bad shape but the maintenance must have been done properly throughout it's life.
I need help from you guys to bring it back in shape.
I can't identify what model was it in the USA, it seems like a Frontier 2nd gen face-lift ? Maybe a Navara 2006 ? 2001 frontier crew cab ?
Being in the Caribbean I could get parts for Miami weekly, even though it's 46% import duties.
When looking for D22 parts it's mainly Australian and Thailand listings.
I desperately need a steering wheel without airbag, shifter boot, upper glove box, front left door arm rest cover, a windscreen washer tank, gaz/accelerator pedal cover, front right seatbelt cover, right side front seat lever cover to purchase.
I've attached pics of everything.
And yes I know that back bumper is very ugly, lol.
I also need advice on styling it, I've got no idea where to start.
I think the flares in that plastic black looks really ugly. I'm sending it in a few weeks to the paint shop, they'll clean and fix the whole body and the pan.
They'll undercoat and prime everything needed, paint again some liner in the pan.
Can't find inexpensive good looking 16" rims for now, so I'll clean and repaint the original ones, just in black.
And I think I'll paint everything in a cobalt blue metallic or candy blue metallic, I'll paint the body and the flares same color, hopefully it makes the flares good looking again.
I'm removing that big frame off the back of course, and redoing the seats.
Not sure what to do with the grill color and overall style, any advice would be great.
Looking for used parts of course, unfortunately can't find scrap yards locally with these D22.
I've found a complete filter kit from Australia, I've already ordered, with 2 x oil filter, 2 x fuel filter and an air filter.
I've noticed some lack of power when starting parked on a slanted hill, seems like it's normal until boost builds up ?
Does it means it might need a new clutch kit soon ?
Found one shop locally, that sells the disc for $180us ? but no kit.

If someone knows of a scrap yard, at least for a steering wheel, I'll be very thankful.
Don't mind compensating a bit for their time.

Thanks in advance.


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That looks like a D22 that's had a hard life ...

I don't know that you could get a steering wheel without an airbag, they all seem to have one these days.

I found one reference to the model number you supplied (other than the requests you've made for help across various sites) and that indicates that your car is likely to have been manufactured in Nov 2006, and is a right-hand-drive D22 with the ZD30 motor (here). Try that link, it could lead you to some parts you're after.
Thanks for replying.
Excellent link, I'm finding a lot of reference.
Yes you right it was used by the local Water authorities, and the guys just didn't care since it wasn't there's.
Only good news, it means that usually good maintenance was done on it.
I need to find a scrap yard with some Navara or Frontier used parts that I could ship to Miami.
A steering wheel is $499 w/o airbag, to expensive for me unfortunately.
Very good idea indeed, let me check it out.
It seems like the one you sent me as more depth, I wonder if the depth of the hub adapter + steering wheel depth, might fit really funny.
I'm looking on Amazon USA as well, and there is so much choice.
I wonder if anybody here used these aftermarket steering wheel on a frontier.
It would be hard to guess the proper fitting until you actually try it out, and then if it's bad I have no way to return it.
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Generally we don't, because our cars have airbags and without the airbag installed, our airbag diagnostic module goes nuts on us. Our vehicle registration depends on the airbag system not reporting errors as well, so we're pretty hampered there.
I don't know that you could get a steering wheel without an airbag, they all seem to have one these days.
a lot of our D22's never had airbags or even abs.
both our single cabs have neither.
simple cost cutting and it depends on the countries laws at that time.
Found a used one on eBay Australia from Allmake2017 for $225au including shipping to USA.'ve asked him to include the left door arm rest inside the package, and charge me extra if needed, but no reply as yet.
Crossing my fingers I get through with that.
Found a shifter lever boot gaiter from eBay UK, a leather one comes with metal bracket.
Normally getting an estimate today from detailing guy, for overall cleanup with spray job.
Usually about $2500-3000us, includes undercoat everything, wielding a few patches in the pan, removing that big frame from the back, spray new liner in the pan, and re-upholster the seats.
I'm running out of money, so need to slow down.
I'll keep these rims just spray them black, they have new tires 245/75/16 on them, look skinny but new.
I'll have to restore the instrument cluster myself, I've seen a couple videos, sand with fine 1000+ grit, and then clear coat spray.
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My np300 (d22 frontier in usa ) is 2014 any of these w diesel have no air bag. All w 4 cyl gas have air bag. The body on this Mexican d22 ended 2015. The d22 in usa ended 2004. No diesel only 4 cyl and v6 gas . All usa d22 have air bag wheel why not just put air bag steering wheel on. They should be dime a dozen in USA.