Disconnecting the sensor turns on the Check Engine Light, which isn't a good thing. There is a risk that the ECU will put the engine in "limp" mode and require Nissan to rectify it. That's something that would be good to avoid.
Take a look at what Bosshog's done so far - we're hoping it resolves the issue. We're cautiously optimistic at the moment - but at last Gus and I communicated, not quite ready to announce success.
Does anyone know if disconnecting the oxygen sensor actually improves fuel consumption? Or do you get the same economy then you space the sensor out off the exhaust or wrap it in foil?
I have just done another tank with the o2 sensor unplugged and got 11.2L/100km again.
Did another tank with the o2 sensor plugged back in and went up to 13.5L/100.
O2 senor unplugged saves you about 2L/100km. does throw a cel but so far I have done 1000km and no limp mode. Cant see limp mode happening anyway as the o2 sensor is only for emission control for the catalytic converter. Needs a rich mix for the cat to work!!
when the car was new i was getting 14.5l/100
with the delete pipe i was getting 13.5l/100
with the delete pipe and o2 sensor unplugged i am now getting 11.2L/100
I don;t think there will be any substantial savings by stuffing around with the cat. I also have a 2006 stx auto which never came out with dpf and emission control and that gets 10.5l/100km
Hey Bosshog how many K's you done with it like this?
When you plugged the O2 sensor back in, did the light go out?
When you plugged the O2 sensor back in, did the light go out?
At 2LPHK this could save us about 150 litres of fuel on our Christmas trip (7,244km) - about $200 give or take variations in fuel pricing.
The saving will be a fraction higher - 7,244km is based on road distances between points, and doesn't account for circling the Rock, parking, shopping or other minor diversions.
not in my case - however if you plug the sensor back in and do the ECM reset procedure this clears all codes and CEL turns off and it operates as normal.
If you plug the sensor back in without clearing the codes the CEL "may" go out after some time ( the ECM does constant checks and if the sensor works without fault a pre determined amount of times then it turns the check engine light off but will still store the original fault in the freeze frame memory) quick enough to spend the 1 minute doing the ECM reset procedure!!
Another thought and its just a thought - if the DPF is left alone ( in its factory state) and you drive with the o2 sensor unplugged then not pumping the extra diesel in the exhaust stroke may prevent the dpf from clogging up as quick. I am assuming that the extra diesel injected during exhaust stroke will not be burned as clean and create more soot than during the normal combustion cycle??
I think I'm going to climb underneath before this weekend and yank the O2 sensor cable before we go up the valley with the caravan and that way I can get an idea of what the consumption/power is like.
If the CEL recovers with a reset, I'm happy enough.
If it's reducing the fuel dump I'd expect less crap caught by the DPF. There's only one way to find out!
Yeah, I wouldn't be agreeing with that. If that was the case, then the extra injection wouldn't be necessary. I think that if Nissan could do without it and get the mileage down, they would do it in a flash - improve the sales. You keep the DPF, you need the associated sensors to make it work properly.
MMMM!!! Got thinking about this and going to have another go, bosshog just wondering what you are running (i.e 3inch, 200 cat, type of chip), also if its dual or king cab, and year ?? So to be so nosey but wondering if im on the same page so we can compare ????
So,what im running in my 08 dual cab nav is 3inch from turbo though a 200cel hi flow cat (OUTLAW) to delet pipe straight out to rear, Also chip it chip !!!
I have put the dump pipe back in place of the old cat and having a go with the cheat bung and some ailfoil on sensor and see if it works?????? the only diffrents might be is the cheat bung from the photos, mines a touch diffenet (Try to upload photos soon)
Like is sad before im keen to get ride of that thirsty DPF!!!!!!!! Plus i dont want to do a burn when im fourbying again, THAT SUCK BIG TIME !!!!!:rant:
I think I will be putting my 3" dump and high flow cat and DPF delete back in and unplugging the 02 sensor and living with a Cel light on my dash from now on!
Bosshog have you had any smoke since you put that cheat bung in? I might have to get my hands on one of them just so when I want to get rid of the light I can, for services or when I trade.