The original take over of DSE was actually done by Safeway, which at the time was the food and grocery part of Woolworths and Safeway. The original take over was done by Safeway with the agreement that for a set period of years Safeway were not allowed to change the trading name of DSE stores. The legal wrangling and contract writing is the main reason Victoria kept the trading name of Safeway instead of Woolworths like most other states and despite the extremely large cost of running with two different trading names Woolworths/Safeway ran that way until about 10 years ago when some of the larger Safeways went into refurb and changed trading name. They are now doing the name change throughout the state as refurbs happen or where the Woolworths name is surveyed as better than Safeway. DSE also brought into Tandy before their take over but may not have taken the majority share until later however the naming rights issue was similar to the DSE/Safeway agreement.