Holden gone by 2017

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If thats true, then bloody hell!! And us taxpayers would have had to have to foot the bill.

It seems a lot -- but that investment needs to weighed against the revenue we would have got back via tax receipts. If the investment were smaller than the revenue received then its all good -- its a big if though
Typical piss and vinegar from th Abbott haters, blah blah blah!!!! It's all Tony's fault, he should have given them more money like Labor gave to Ford, no wait, he was too aggressive in making Holden tell the truth, no no no I just hate Abbott so it's all his fault..... Some how!!

Abbott just chased 50 000 jobs out of the country -- damned straight I'm pissed at the crunt!
I'm wondering what our country will be known for in the future? I know we used to build Naval ships, but I'm not sure if that's still going.

We are in a great location geographically to feed Asia, but current farmers are retiring and the next generation want to make a living out of Facebook.

Maybe we'll become known as the world's biggest exporter of uranium?

I'm interested to see what impact the Ford and Holden closures will have on the V8 Supercar series in the future?
You raise some interesting points Siningo.

These days, apparently you have to go to uni to learn how to be a farmer. Back in the day, you learned what you needed to learn on the job, specific to the property and cimate you worked. Not from a book.

There is already talk of the "V8" being dropped from the name of the series (actually makes sense - more manufacturers would be interested).
I'm wondering what our country will be known for in the future? I know we used to build Naval ships, but I'm not sure if that's still going.

We are in a great location geographically to feed Asia, but current farmers are retiring and the next generation want to make a living out of Facebook.

Maybe we'll become known as the world's biggest exporter of uranium?

I'm interested to see what impact the Ford and Holden closures will have on the V8 Supercar series in the future?

There's no money in farming, global company's like mcains see to that. Just enough to keep you keen, but not enough to be able to gain a decent living,
Abbott just chased 50 000 jobs out of the country -- damned straight I'm pissed at the crunt!
Bullshit, do you truely believe this was a recent decision by Generl Motors. The only other bigger freeloader on the tax payer is Tasmania and that's a whole state! ;)
Bullshit, do you truely believe this was a recent decision by Generl Motors. The only other bigger freeloader on the tax payer is Tasmania and that's a whole state! ;)

Thanks for that mate. Tasmanian here - and the Gov't has just announced that my job (along with 55 others) will be picked up and moved to Canb, Bris, or Adel.

You want to tell my family how much we're freeloaders, when all we want to do is stay here and keep working and paying our taxes?

It's pretty raw on us - we were told this a week ago, and will probably be finished by late January.

Thanks for your thoughts tho.
Thanks for that mate. Tasmanian here - and the Gov't has just announced that my job (along with 55 others) will be picked up and moved to Canb, Bris, or Adel.

You want to tell my family how much we're freeloaders, when all we want to do is stay here and keep working and paying our taxes?

It's pretty raw on us - we were told this a week ago, and will probably be finished by late January.

Thanks for your thoughts tho.

sorry for your job loss mate but id have to agree with the above and this decision has been around for a while from GM. The fact is they are getting a little greedy and are expecting us tax payers to front he cost for your double the award wage and lack of sales. As a company they need to look at other avenues to keep it local but thats not what they want. give us cash or we will leave! and thus they will.

GM have been discussing this for over 10yrs to end their manufacturing in AUS. This is old news
I have made no references to Holden other than I feel for the families benig affected. My most recent reply was in reference to Tasmania being "The only other bigger freeloader on the tax payer" which, living here and having some understanding of the people and the circumstances, is a completely and utterly uncalled for statement.
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Sorry you took my "uncalled for statement" the wrong way, which by the way a dig at Tasmanians. But if you feel the need to be offended then I can't help that!
Sorry you took my "uncalled for statement" the wrong way, which by the way a dig at Tasmanians. But if you feel the need to be offended then I can't help that!

I'll leave it alone after this, but you wrote:

"The only other bigger freeloader on the tax payer is Tasmania and that's a whole state"

Those are YOUR words, not mine. I'm a Tasmanian - living here in sunny Hobart - who works, pays tax, and gets zero financial support from the Gov't. And I've just been told my job is gone, in a location with the highest unemployment in the country and virtually no viable job market at the moment.

If you can't see how someone - a Tasmanian no less - could be offended by your callous, needless comment, then I don't know what to say frankly.

Edit - thanks for the PM Brad - i took something out of context and I apologise. All the best dude. Anthony.
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Doc, I don't think Brad meant any malice, he did have the 'winking' smiley after his comment mate.

Sorry to hear about your job too, just bad timing for a tongue in cheek comment.
Still working in IT, and we're fighting hard to keep our jobs here - but the writing is on the wall. The problem will be finding something else in this market. Oh well, I can always go work the night shift at the servo. Free red bull!!!
Nah mate, according to the conservatives and economic rationalists you're supposed to move you and yours to where ever the work is, and keep moving to follow it - sounds like utopia no?
Nah mate, according to the conservatives and economic rationalists you're supposed to move you and yours to where ever the work is, and keep moving to follow it - sounds like utopia no?

And exactly the point I will be raising with my GM when he's here next week - that I can't leave here without splitting up my family, because there are legal reasons why my step-son has to stay here.

That is, if I'm not in the lockup on assault charges..

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