Fuel consumption.

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i was watching the 4wd show yesterday and it said some petrol 4wds use up to 25L/100km

that has to be wrong? right? i've never heard of such bad fuel consumption in a car

Stick 2 Tonne on the back towing and watch what happens, I've also read reports of a D40 using 31Ltrs/100Km towing a rather large caravan. It's possible with enough load or low range work to double your avg fuel economy easily, the newer 2.5s seem to be better on fuel unladen, but work them hard and they will chew fuel like there is no tomorrow, sometimes you just can't beat cubic inches.
^ What Shonky said.

I remember reading a article in Toyotamonthly about them testing a TB48DE powered GU and a 2UZFE powered 100 series, the had the around 80L/100km's. I reakon the engines wouldn't have dropped below 4000rpm the whole time.

I reakon a VQ40DE powered D40/R51 could get close to that revving the piss out of the motor all day.

Normally get around 11L/100km. On my last trip to Moreton Island, did 150km, all sand driving, got into 3rd a couple of time on the beach on the hard sand but most of the time was spent in 1st and 2nd gears in soft sand and managed 28L/100km!
i'm getting 6.06L per 100km, yes you heard me right.

i used up 1/4 of my tank (well its 1/4 used on the needle) and i know that i filled up the car last with 66L so that means i've used 14L, right.

and in that 14L, i've done 233km. which means if i drive the same i should get 932km to the tank of 66L, though its a 75L tank the light comes on when you have 10L left
The gauge is only an approximate indicator. Otherwise it would be called a meter.

You would be doing well if that was your consumption figure but its not a very accurate way of working it out.
6-7l/100 is pretty good either way.

i shift at 2500 now and always try to keep the tacho at 2K or lower and the freeway is where i seem to get the best consumption.

dont forget i'm running 2wd, less work on the engine
6-7L/100 is a figure I would be happy with.

The way I do it is reset the trip meter when I fill up, then the next time I fill up I write the kays traveled on the back of the fuel receipt.

You can then work out how many kays you traveled to the amount of fuel you used.

Working it out off a visual check of the gauge would be quite flawed. When I fill my tank it goes way past the full mark just for starters.

Mine is 2wd most of the time too:big_smile:
I seem to get worse on the freeway and better round town

9.5 -10 in town
11-12 on freeway

stays about the same even if i have a load (not a huge one though)

I reckon it because of the revs the zd30 pulls at 105km/h 2800rpm

Does anyone else find this

oh by the way i run cooper STT's - i think they might have a bit of rolling resistence ;-)
yeah if i try and do over 100 with the 31's on it kills the fuel economy. With the 35s i can do 110 before it starts killing it
Model: D22 STR 2005
Engine: ZD30DDT
Auto or Manual: Manual
Rough guess on weight : 2300kg + Load of about 300Kg (tools)

65L for 636km's = 70 / 650 = 0.1022 etc x 100km's =
10.22L per 100km's

That is around town and HWY
Just checked my economy the last couple of days. It seems to be better after the blast down the F3 to pick up those rims.

The guys with the higher fuel consumption, do use hit the freeway much or is it mainly city driving ?

Most of my driving is on the New England Highway, so I rarely go over 100km/h.

around town i use about 12L to 13L per 100km of diesel and like 2L per 100km of gas.
that's driving like 5 km to work and back and home for lunch.
which yas might think is high but i shift nomrally at 3000rpm, atleast once or twice on each trip ill hit 4000rpm.
on the highway normally ill use about 10L per 100km of diesel and 2L of gas.
which 100km of that is 110km zone so sit on like 117km/h
if i baby it ill get like 9L per 100km and 2 of gas on the highway.
Thats not to bad Kickars2 considering the power yours has.

Mine would get better economy if I drove more economically.

18-22L per hundred km's, I can see why your upgrading. Thats about as bad as a TB42S powered GQ.

I'm getting 13.7l/100 in the city & 11.9l/100 on the higway. That over 17000k's. I changed the fuel filter last service(expensive little bugger)and a mate who now works at a nissan dealer said that it has to be "relearned" which should make a difference. I've had **** economy since i got the ute so we'll see if it fixes it. Hope to get it done next week.
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