Dirty lowlifes...

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Mar 22, 2010
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The scumbag better hope I don't find him/her... The window tint did it's job though. Too small to go through insurance but annoying enough to have to deal with it. Sometimes I just wish they'd steal the whole car and write it off.

On the flip side, if anyone knows of a d40 being wrecked I'm chasing a rear right glass for a dualcab. In Brisbane.



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That sucks mate. I have had a bit of a brick thrown at my ute while I was doing 100km/h on the highway. Thank !@#$ it hit the roll bar and not the windows or panels, rang the cops, but the scummy !@#$ would of been long gone when they did a patrol.
Jeez mate that would have been scary... I don't know how people get their kicks off this kind of stuff.
That area has alot of "Local" population.

Too many bleeding hearts bitching about these morons having bad childhoods and all that shit, so they get away with it. They know the system protects the scum of society, not the victims.
Doesnt matter what you do the "locals"get away with more than anyone could ever believe. I work up north where we are surrounded by the locals who get praised for their crimes and all forgiven due to the belief that they had troubled childhoods.....being sent to juvy where there is an xbox and tv in your room. free food and schooling. its a hard life
it's not just locals! this happened at the university of queensland, you'd think people getting a tertiary education would have some sort of decency!!
:shooter:the scumbags are everywhere the ones at university just dress better and when they graduate they become lawers and still fu^k you over ... just legaly.... some times you just cant have anything nice withiut someone being jelous and stuffing your day... hope you find a cheap window buddy....
thanks found a few at gold coast but a bit far (cost wise), trying to find somewhere local and keep the costs down.

plenty of jealous types out there. don't understand why they gotta shoot someone else down rather than work harder to get their own stuff.

cops came to dust for prints, can see definite ridges but they reckon not enough detail to use. :pissedoff:


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think they were trying to get in. only had a cheapie spotlight, towel and first aid kit in the back.
I rate people like that up there with the little white crusty bits that form at the corner of your mouth on a really hot day when you are just about to get ambushed by heat stroke...
U know what it is.... Schools out! Last week kids tried to steal the dual battery box and tool box from the back of my ute. Happened 2 years ago when I was in Bundy. Box were dynabolted to floor of tray so no chance in hell of them nicking it, so instead they sliced the aux cable wires and snatch straps just to cause some bit of damage. F#£[¥ers !
Worst thing is getting the window tinted the same way if you are in a different spot. I had a passenger window smashed and the rear glass dont in my commy wagon, and no one could match the tint.
Tru there too. 2 months after getting my tint and roadside slashers tractors smashed my rear passenger window. Tints are a little different

Anyways..... Did u get it fixed mate?
Not yet... all the wreckers that had a d40 weren't picking up their phones on the weekend. Hoping to take a day off this week and chase it all down.

Tint shouldn't be a problem I went through tint-a-car and had their formula1 so I doubt it'd be an issue.
tracked down a window from the wreckers, $65 bargain! went to install it and found that the plastic tabs on the bottom of the glass don't match the power window mounts :tazzy: don't relish the idea of swapping out the plastic mounts which appear to be sikaflexed to the glass. so will need to modify the p/w mounts (will need to cut two little tabs off one side) but wondering if it will mess with the alignment as the glass will theoretically tilt by about 2-4 mm.

And of course if you caught the shits in the act of doing this and gave them
" a stern talking to", you'd be the one in trouble.
definitely... i caught an older bloke (83 y/o) keying my gf's car earlier this year whilst i was waiting for her after work. every single panel down the drivers side. got him on the camera (100+ photos).

i put the camera away and gave chase i was about to knock his lights out until i realised how bad it looked. a mid 20s confronting 83 y/o man in front of all these witnesses and thought better of it. still makes me angry thinking that these offenders have all these rights.
That area has alot of "Local" population.

Too many bleeding hearts bitching about these morons having bad childhoods and all that shit, so they get away with it. They know the system protects the scum of society, not the victims.

It's so wrong now a days, I remember if I ever stepped out of line I was quickly reminded what the a boot in the arse was. Society the law and government has all gone so friggn soft. 10 years from now we will all have to carry guns to protect he things we work hard to buy.

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