Dash display froze

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Mar 3, 2017
Reaction score
North Queensland
I have a 2014 Spanish built D40. Today I had an issue with the dash display. At exactly 1404hrs the digital clock and ambient temp gauge under the tachometer froze (displayed 1404 and 29 degrees) the digital ODO and litre/hundred froze under the speedo gauge. Whole 40 min drive home nothing moved. Just frozen in time,

Once home i turned the rig off and the display stayed on. I vented my frustration to the better half while I changed. She had a look and it has gone out. I started the vehicle and it corrected itself, displaying correct time, mileage, temp and litre/hundred.

While I drove home when it was frozen I tested the steering wheels buttons. The stereo volume worked, radio Chanel’s changed, I couldn’t toggle through the info button nor could I engage cruise control.

I know the clock spring can affect the button function but could it freeze the digital dash displays for a 30 odd km drive?
It sounds like there may be a glitch in the instrument cluster. Could it be a loose wire, or a poor solder joint, or a failing component? It's hard to tell without pulling it out and going over it with a fine tooth comb.

Could it be the old classic poor instrument earth? The only way to find out is to add a wire from the stereo chassis to one of the mounting bolts for the dash. While I am not confident that this will fix it, I won't say never because there's a chance the instrument cluster is getting mixed signals and hanging up on them (and shutting the car off sorted that out - at least temporarily).
@Old.Tony isn't the dash all controlled through the BCM?

If so, @Tms40 probably just a once off glitch and I wouldn't worry about it too much in all honesty
@Old.Tony isn't the dash all controlled through the BCM?

If so, @Tms40 probably just a once off glitch and I wouldn't worry about it too much in all honesty

Not entirely - but mostly. Depending on the model, some is direct (fuel tank level), some is through the ECM (fuel calculations for distance-to-empty, tachometer) so unfortunately there's a mix involved.