D40 virgin

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Dec 28, 2011
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Howdy, I'm joining the Navara posse in March this year. I'm seaching for an auto, deisel D40 with around 100,000kms.

My budget is a bit lean so If i'm considering Navara's with high km's is there anything i should be wary of? are there major engine parts or bits the drive train that need replacing with high km's?

I'd appcriate any info from your guys. I'm in Darwin and if you've seen cars from here, they tend to get worked hard.

cheerio, beasty.
Welcome Beasty,

We get a few Nav's for sale on here but most people come here to sell other cars because they realise the Nav is what they should have brought in the first place, still it's worth keeping an eye on the For Sale section.

I wouldn't consider 100, 000ks high for a diesel, you'll probably never truly know how hard a car was worked by it's previous owner but 100,000ks for a diesel even a small diesel is still fairly young.

Not sure what models you be looking at for that traveled ks but apart for pissy little things like a bonnet recall which probably should have been done in most models from about 07-09 I think it was (look for a sticker in the service book and search for recall on here for a description) and a rim recall for models previous to about 09 (once again search this site for wheel recall) there isn't a great deal of problems with any of the D40's.

Some will talk about high economy figures and quickly wearing brakes but so much of those sort of things depend on the driver more than the vehicle. Get a decent mechanic to check the car over before purchase and you should be fairly right.
Welcome to the forum.

Internet forums are similar to pub sessions, parties and the like. Nobody in the pub will EVER admit that they've had a wonderful experience with their main drive shaft (unless they're bragging about the bar maid) - you'll generally only read/hear about complaints.

So the bad stuff seems to be prevalent - just bear in mind that this is one of the reasons why people come here in the first place, and also (and more importantly) that Nissan isn't the only manufacturer that has people complaining about them.

There's a particular whine suffered by TOYmotor owners, and they complain about it in their forums and it goes like this:

"Mommy, I had to get rescued by a bloody Navara owner again!!!"

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