D40 engine cover

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Jun 4, 2012
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This might be a stupid question but I removed the 2 screws at the front of the cover but there something holding the back of the cover down. How do you remove the cover from the motor.
I had the same problem and when i pulled it up the engine cover broke. Big hole where the grommet was attached. But who would have thunk that while out bush a few weeks ago i should stumble upon an entire D40 interior. Obviously stripped before the ute was burned out, i found a new engine cover hiding underneath a door trim.
I had the same problem and when i pulled it up the engine cover broke. Big hole where the grommet was attached. But who would have thunk that while out bush a few weeks ago i should stumble upon an entire D40 interior. Obviously stripped before the ute was burned out, i found a new engine cover hiding underneath a door trim.

Did you load up any other parts?would love center radio part.
yeah i can't get it off either, feels like i'll snap the cover before popping it off.
yeah it a rubber grommet that plugs on top of a bolt thing. Its a pain in the ass.

As for the stereo facia, it could be out there somewhere. I saw the dash cluster and all of the door seals. It has been there for a little while when i found it. Can bet its still where i found it... migh tcheck on Sunday
It won't break. The bolts are towards the rear on each side, so don't lever it up from the front. If the engine is cold you can lift the front enough to prise it up with your arm under it towards the back. Or grab each side.
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Had mine off a few times with no sign of it breaking.
I take it back then, ouch.
I always pull mine towords me so it slides out of the grommets. **** load easier.

Thats what i do with my 2010 ST the whole unit is meant to be slid forward as the grommets are slotted or have grooves.
Not sure about how the new one works, its a entirely different cover. I will check it out and get back to you guys.
I tried that, as everyone reckons thats the way to do it. But mine didnt have horseshoe grommets, they were round so no chance of it sliding off forward. Some little spanish prick muttered something like - " Le dan a este bastardo alguna pena cuando trata de tomar esto sin romperlo..." when he changed the grommets on me.
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