D40 ECU Re-map

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After doing some research on Powerchips they are out of the question. Who has decent deisel tuning experience and solid facts and figures tuning a V9x?
Anyone in adelaide do proper reflashes? have never liked the idea of chips, as they went out of use years ago in the performance car scene (except a few vw's etc) and just seem so old fashioned.

If I had read this thread a few days earlier I would have posted how **** powerchip are, often loose customers power (and money)

I have said it a thousand times. The reflash scene for diesels is hopeless in Australia.
None of the parent companies want dealers to have master reflash software to make their own tunes because it means they wont be selling the partent company premade tunes and thus they will loose out on profit.

Reflashing in itself is a drawback, not being able to tune the car live under load instantly gimps it in comparison to any chip that has live tuning ability like unichip.

Do you really think it matters if we tell the ecu to turn the fuel up via reflashing, or manipulate the ecu into wanting to turn the fuel up on its own via a chip?

The result is the same. Not just similar, identical.

Yes you can adjust more paramaters with a reflash! Like how the engine starts when its cold, what rpm it idles at with the air con on, how much more or less boost it runs based on altitude or temperature... 95% of these things are perfect from the factory and require no adjustment anyway, so why bother listing them as being better because they 'could' adjust them.

Petrol engines are in their own world. With different types of injectors, throttle bodies, turbo systems, exhausts and a myriad of other variable that demand all of the finer details be completely reworked to suit that particular combo.

The truth of the matter is that even alot of the basic chips out there are doing a better job than the generic remaps being sent over from europe and loaded into aussie spec vehicles.
Specifically tuned vehicles with unichip will get better results guaranteed than these generic tunes.
Sorry if I'm asking the same questions as you've answered in previous posts, I read them all a while ago and appreciate you sharing so much information.

Is it possible to shut off the EGR and adjust boost pressure with a chip? If not, what is stopping you from making adjustments in the ECU as well as using a chip to tune it under load?
I don't know much at all about tuning cars but it seems as though both chips and reflashing have their downfalls. There must be a better way??
I don't understand why reflashing can't be tuned under load? Why can't you do a few runs on the dyno, take the ECU out and make adjustments where needed?
Is it because tuners want to load a tune into the ECU, take your $1800 and wave you goodby?
Is it because tuners want to load a tune into the ECU, take your $1800 and wave you goodby?

That was my guess....
I can see the use in remapping the boost to keep the ecu happy and working effeciently (im guessing the ecu adjusts fuel and timing relavant to air flow)
Mabee disable egr also...but the i cant see how you can beat total manual control of the boost curve and fuel flow for dyno setup and high load (fuel and boost trimming by egts levels for towing)
One size cannot ever fit all customers.
Ps this is coming from a kingcab owner.. so no egt or O2 sensors factory fitted for the ecu to read
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Too right, where's your sense of adventure TAPPET?

It can't hurt SURELY!!


"GO THE V6's !!!!!!

Yeah your right it's no fun but maybe I'm a bit of a no fun type of guy :) Tell you what tho the're is nowhere I have been in my standard 126KW KingCab- the Cape, the Creb track...where extra power would of made the difference in getting there.
If your going to spend some coin, go for larger more free flowing exhaust and bigger inter-cooler, sure less gain per dollar but far better for engine longevity. Less stress on the donk is the key not more.

Happy motoring:)
^ I can't say that I disagree with Tappet, to be honest. 126kW out of a 2.5L is a fair bit and for those wanting to say "but the 2012 2.5L gets 140kW - yes it does, with a different head design (and a couple of other changes).

I do agree though that removing EGR and CAT/DPF injection commands would help, and if there was a way to command the ECU to make changes based on inputs to the OBD port it'd be something I'd consider getting too.
The ones that go KABOOM seem to generally be from failed timing chains. Euro D22's also suffer from spun bearings.
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