D22 and that smoke blowing thing

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Jul 5, 2016
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Hi, Please be nice to me, this is my first and maybe my last post......

I have been reading some of the posts already made with regard to the Navara blowing smoke. We have a D22 2011 twin cab diesel ute which blows an inordinate amount of black smoke. Not just under load but everytime you drive it. It doesnt seem to be using more fuel, it chugs if driven under 2000rpms but doesnt seem to lose power. We put the cleaner fluid in the tank with no difference. we have had some part cleaned out at the local diesel shop. (I'm guessing it was the ERG? you have been talking about) and that made the chugging worse for about a week with no reduction in the smoke. We have had the battery disconnected and reconnected to apparently reset the computer for no change. We dont believe it is an injector problem because there is no loss of power. There has been a suggestion locally that it could be a stretched chain. What do you think of this idea? Given that they expect it to be a $4000 fix we would prefer not to go down this line so the other question I ask is do you think it is worth trying the ERG modification discussed in the forum and is this legal for resale when done?
i would spend the $15 on the EGR blocking plate as well as replacing the fuel filter . actually these blocking plates are just about identical to the stock plate used by nissan so unless the blocking plate is removed and inspected there is no way of telling the diff between the two plates if you get my drift.
i doubt the timing chain is causing this as normally when these are worn / stretched etc etc you will hear a constant rattle as a warning. so fit the block off plate change filter and maybe the injectors need a pro clean. how many K,s on the clock ?
sorry to answer your question there is about 130,oook on the clock and has been blowing smoke since about 75000km and has gradually got worse
another item that will cause the engine to blow black smoke is the AirCleaner Element, if yours is old you should replace it and see how things go.
^ As above.

Diesels all blow a small amount of smoke as they're taking off, it's part of the equation when you put your foot down and the engine starts to pick up speed. It's unavoidable.

Constant smoke blowing is something else. They shouldn't. Black smoke means one of two things - either there's too much fuel getting in, or there's not enough air getting in. Either way, it's called "running too rich". Black smoke means partly burnt fuel.

If it were white smoke you'd almost instantly (in a D22) look at the injectors.

Too much fuel - unlikely to be a timing chain, which governs when the intake and exhaust valves open, and not the injection of fuel into the chamber (unless the CAS/CPS is driven by this ... that could cause issues). Can be caused by injectors that are "sticking" - holding open against their internal springs longer than they should, usually the result of dirt/carbon/varnish. They can be sonically cleaned but the recommended first step is always to throw a good can of injector cleaner (or fuel system treatment) through a tank, or better still do a diesel purge. Liqui Moly sell the good stuff.

A faulty pressure sender can also do this. The ECU commands the pump to do enough to raise the rail pressure to a certain level and then checks that it's gotten there by measuring the pressure. Some performance chips interfere with this signal to fool the ECU into making the pump work harder - the result is more power.

Air restrictions - can occur anywhere from the intake (that's the grille up the top of your snorkel if you have one) to the manifold itself. The turbocharger might not be spinning up as fast as expected - this is a restriction to the flow. You might have gunk in the intake manifold (we all do, after time) - that's going to do it too. An inspection camera through the EGR valve might show you how bad it is.

Start at the top of the snorkel and work your way down. There should be nothing caught in the pipe - the dealer where I bought my Navara from had a car come in that was a reluctant starter and a major smoke blower. It wasn't until one of them saw the smashed grille on the snorkel intake that they checked the intake pipe and found a dead owl!

Check the air filter and the box beneath. If your paper element is black, it's in desperate need of a date with a garbage bin.

It would be a good exercise to check the hose between the turbocharger and the air filter box to make sure it's not collapsing when the turbocharger is boosting. Not common with the D22 since it runs lower boost pressures, but still worth investigating.

Let's assume the turbo is ok, because you're getting good power.

The intercooler might be blocked with muck but it's more likely to spit globs of oil out and cause blue smoke (happened to me, cleaned the intercooler, problem resolved). It's cheap to fix (when compared to several $K) and never, ever hurts. Just don't drop it.

Two more possibilities. EGR valve might be sticking/sticky which is causing excessive exhaust gas to enter the chamber. You might not notice a power loss but will see more smoke. Engine oil will turn black quite quickly too. Blocking the EGR valve is safe, unnoticeable but technically illegal. It's a recommended mod and may solve your problem without you having to fork several hundred $ to replace the EGR valve.

Finally the MAPS might be dirty - clean it, it will detect pressures properly and things should go back to normal.
first thing is to do the proper ecu reset procedure. its on here somewhere.
even better if you can do a fuel filter change then reset the ecu.

the aim of reseting the ecu is to reset or delete the fuel learn data.
you will see it on the forums a bit where they do a fuel filter change and it then pours out black smoke because its over fueling. thats because the ecu still thinks its got a blocked up fuel filter and its compensated for it.
reseting it makes it start from scratch and relearns the fuel settings.
Hi, Please be nice to me, this is my first and maybe my last post......

I have been reading some of the posts already made with regard to the Navara blowing smoke. We have a D22 2011 twin cab diesel ute which blows an inordinate amount of black smoke. Not just under load but everytime you drive it. It doesnt seem to be using more fuel, it chugs if driven under 2000rpms but doesnt seem to lose power. We put the cleaner fluid in the tank with no difference. we have had some part cleaned out at the local diesel shop. (I'm guessing it was the ERG? you have been talking about) and that made the chugging worse for about a week with no reduction in the smoke. We have had the battery disconnected and reconnected to apparently reset the computer for no change. We dont believe it is an injector problem because there is no loss of power. There has been a suggestion locally that it could be a stretched chain. What do you think of this idea? Given that they expect it to be a $4000 fix we would prefer not to go down this line so the other question I ask is do you think it is worth trying the ERG modification discussed in the forum and is this legal for resale when done?

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