Clunking noise when turning the steering wheel

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Apr 10, 2010
Reaction score
UK, Devon

When I am doing a 3 point turn in the truck it seems to be making a clunking noise coming from the front of the truck, ive been told it could be a CV joint? Or possibly somthing to do with the powersteering system like its missing some teeth off a gear? Dont really know how the system works so was wondering if any one has had the same problem or any ideas on what it could be?

is it when it is full lock? if it is there are like to steering stoppers one on eachside that did have rubber or something on them at factory but wear off very quickerly. I have an 09 nav and it took about 10000km to do it. My girl friends Brother then told me it was these so he said just put ball bearing grease or the thickest grease you can find and it will go. nissan wont do anything about it so each time you hear it put some more grease on. il try and up load some pics in about and hour or so.


Put greese where the two arrows are and it should get rid of the problem for you. I no it sounds like your car is going to fall apart but it is because its is just metal on metal.

When I am doing a 3 point turn in the truck it seems to be making a clunking noise coming from the front of the truck, ive been told it could be a CV joint? Or possibly somthing to do with the powersteering system like its missing some teeth off a gear? Dont really know how the system works so was wondering if any one has had the same problem or any ideas on what it could be?


CV's tend to make more a clicking noise than a clunk, and I doubt it's teeth of the rack, I would be checking, over all the suspension and steering parts. eg.
Tie Rods, ball joints, bushes, shocks. Best way is on a hoist, it could be worth taking it to a place like Pedders for them to give it a look over.
Thanks for the help!
Cheers for the pictures too i forgot to put it was a D40. I take it they have got different steering parts then? Ile try and have a look under there see where its coming from exactly.
hey bud how are you? i noticed your from devon so was my dad he has sinced moved to perth australia, anyway the reason for my message is i have a cracking/clunking noise coming from my navara d40 front end just started doing it really annoying just before i get to full lock, had it on the hoist done all the usaull checks, no play evident in any steering/suspension components. was wondering if you cqme to a conclusion as to what was causing the problem on yours? cheers
hi guys just bought a 08 king cab d40 in melbourne and drove it back to w.a, didnt notice a thing. wasnt till i backed out of my drveway the other morning when i thought i herd a faint ticking/clicking noise. doesnt seem threatening, just intresting to see if its the same noise.....
possibly the same noise mate, it doesnt seem to affect the car as far as driving goes though is really annoying and embarasing, usually only happens when parking or turning steering at really low speed(1km)
i cheecked that also checked all bolts and nuts to do with steering and suspension the bottom strut bolts were a little loose though still making noise, all the other bolts etc were tight. really like to find the noise.
I get that noise when I am at full lock to the right only going into a driveway (uphill slightly). But I actually feel it through the steering wheel as well. Took it to many different places and so far everyone says that everything is normal.
Do any of you notice that it's only to the right lock or unidirectional?
generally both ways comes and go's doesnt do it all the time, lately it hasnt done it, i usually notice it after rough driving on or off road? wierd
not that type of noise mate had a look anyway but all good, its felt throught the steering and can be heard as a very light cracking noise, comes and goes usually when very slow manovering eg:parking etc
Non adjustable bearings anyway
Have a look on the drivers side of the truck in under the guard.If you look over the top of the tyre towards the back of the wheel you will see the steering column , there is a bolt holding the 2 sections of the column in place and maybe thats catching

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