Cape york august 2013!

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pm sent to jas
we will be tenting in an oztent
and driving the mighty d 22
are we there yet

Post up a photo of your Navara! Mate, check out e-bay and trading-post for any unwanted prizes that are up for sale!

PS, keep yourself of the picture! Remember, the nav needs that natural radiant look, the last thing it needs is to be hindered by a back-street spanner swinging slapper look! LOL


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Hey all, sorry for being so quiet on my end.
Myself and the family (mrs, and 3 boys) are still a possible. We are sorting out the particulars at the mo, as I run my own business with 2 apprentices and have a heap of non/ slow paying customers. Iv been reading through the posts over the last couple of days catching up on everything and it sounds fantastic!
RLI- wow....! An amazing job on your behalf. Even my mrs is still keen due to your organizing and fantastic posts. Hopefully the next few weeks will be a good indicator of how we are going with everything. Especially as i had a full list of extras for the nav for the jolly fat man....
As my nav is currently in the build stage what is the bare minimum options/ upgrades that need to be done...? Iv got a fairly solid list but may need to shuffle it around to prioritize a little more.
Still pumped as hell,
Regards, James.
Hey all, sorry for being so quiet on my end.
Myself and the family (mrs, and 3 boys) are still a possible. We are sorting out the particulars at the mo, as I run my own business with 2 apprentices and have a heap of non/ slow paying customers. Iv been reading through the posts over the last couple of days catching up on everything and it sounds fantastic!
RLI- wow....! An amazing job on your behalf. Even my mrs is still keen due to your organizing and fantastic posts. Hopefully the next few weeks will be a good indicator of how we are going with everything. Especially as i had a full list of extras for the nav for the jolly fat man....
As my nav is currently in the build stage what is the bare minimum options/ upgrades that need to be done...? Iv got a fairly solid list but may need to shuffle it around to prioritize a little more.
Still pumped as hell,
Regards, James.

G'evening James,

I know the feeling when it comes to slow paying clients. It is so frustrating!

Mate, if you and your lovely family can make it, that will be fantastic!

PS, I Wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Prosperous New Year!


Latest up-date! 22/12/12

Possible touring list:​

1. Paul (RLI) & family DEFINITE!
2. Bryan (04silverSTR) DEFINITE!
3. Bryce DEFINITE!
4. Gunning1987: DEFINITE!
5. Sparra (sparra04) DEFINITE!
6. Luke (luke91) DEFINITE!
7. Case84 DEFINITE!
8. lorrieandjas DEFINITE!
9. nissannewby (200 killer wasps) DEFINITE!
10. Joshman (DEFINITE!)
11. GU Camper (DEFINITE!)
12. Scott (scottybobcat) (Possible)
13. Nathan (lunn86) (Possible)
14. Jason D40 (Possible)
15. Apollofish (Possible)
16. Zanick (Possible)

Please note the cut off time for this trip is the end of January 2013. Anyone wishing to join this trip after that date, will have to organise there own campsite bookings.

Trendsetters, may i suggest could all the DEFINITES PM your contact phone numbers and your state and areas from where you come from to Jas, That way Jas could put a contact list together and then PM them back to the DEFINITES.

This will allow you to contact one another and formally introduce yourselves to one another! It also allows you to see who is the closet fellow Cape York participant closest to you. This might also allow you to meet up and travel from home to Cairns together!

Well Trendsetters, looks like we have got our self's a "NISSAN" convoy, Ye-haa baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS, 8 months and counting!


Latest up-date! 22/12/12

Possible touring list:​

1. Paul (RLI) & family DEFINITE!
2. Bryan (04silverSTR) DEFINITE!
3. Bryce DEFINITE!
4. Gunning1987: DEFINITE!
5. Sparra (sparra04) DEFINITE!
6. Luke (luke91) DEFINITE!
7. Case84 DEFINITE!
8. lorrieandjas DEFINITE!
9. nissannewby (200 killer wasps) DEFINITE!
10. Joshman (DEFINITE!)
11. GU Camper (DEFINITE!)
12. Scott (scottybobcat) (DEFINITE!)
13. Nathan (lunn86) (Possible)
14. Jason D40 (Possible)
15. Apollofish (Possible)
16. Zanick (Possible)

Please note: as off the 3ist Decemeber 2012 this will be the closing date for participation to the 2013 August Cape York tour!

The remaining (Possibles) on our tour list have until the 31st January 2013 to advise if they will be (DEFINITES!) so i can organise booking the various camp sites. Any of the remaining (Possibles) who fail to notify us by the January deadline. Are still welcome to come along. However, they will have to organise there own campsite bookings.

Trendsetters, may i suggest could all the DEFINITES PM your contact phone numbers and your state and areas from where you come from to Jas, That way Jas could put a contact list together and then PM them back to the DEFINITES.

This will allow you to contact one another and formally introduce yourselves to one another! It also allows you to see who is the closet fellow Cape York participant closest to you. This might also allow you to meet up and travel from home to Cairns together!

Well Trendsetters, looks like we have got our self's a "NISSAN" convoy, Ye-haa baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS, 8 months and counting!



The more preperation and research i do into this trip the more excited i am for this.

there's gonna be time on this trip to take photos....right?

Latest up-date! 29/12/12!

Possible touring list:​

1. Paul (RLI) & family DEFINITE!
2. Bryan (04silverSTR) DEFINITE!
3. Bryce DEFINITE!
4. Gunning1987: DEFINITE!
5. Sparra (sparra04) DEFINITE!
6. Luke (luke91) DEFINITE!
7. Case84 DEFINITE!
8. lorrieandjas DEFINITE!
9. nissannewby (200 killer wasps) DEFINITE!
10. Joshman (DEFINITE!)
11. GU Camper (DEFINITE!)
12. Scott (scottybobcat) (DEFINITE!)
13. Nathan (lunn86) (Possible)
14. Jason D40 (Possible)
15. Apollofish (Possible)
16. Zanick (Possible)
17. Tony-mate of Joshman's (Possible)

Please note: as off the 3ist Decemeber 2012 this will be the closing date for participation to the 2013 August Cape York tour!

The remaining (Possibles) on our tour list have until the 31st January 2013 to advise if they will be (DEFINITES!) so i can organise booking the various camp sites. Any of the remaining (Possibles) who fail to notify us by the January deadline. Are still welcome to come along. However, they will have to organise there own campsite bookings.

Trendsetters, may i suggest could all the DEFINITES PM your contact phone numbers and your state and areas from where you come from to Jas, That way Jas could put a contact list together and then PM them back to the DEFINITES.

This will allow you to contact one another and formally introduce yourselves to one another! It also allows you to see who is the closet fellow Cape York participant closest to you. This might also allow you to meet up and travel from home to Cairns together!

Well Trendsetters, looks like we have got our self's a "NISSAN" convoy, Ye-haa baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS, 8 months and counting!




Final possible touring list! 31/12/2012

touring list:​

1. Paul (RLI) & family DEFINITE!
2. Bryan (04silverSTR) DEFINITE!
3. Bryce DEFINITE!
4. Gunning1987: DEFINITE!
5. Sparra (sparra04) DEFINITE!
6. Luke (luke91) DEFINITE!
7. Case84 DEFINITE!
8. lorrieandjas DEFINITE!
9. nissannewby (200 killer wasps) DEFINITE!
10. Joshman (DEFINITE!)
11. GU Camper (DEFINITE!)
12. Scott (scottybobcat) (DEFINITE!)
13. Nathan (lunn86) (Possible)
14. Jason D40 (Possible)
15. Apollofish (Possible)
16. Zanick (Possible)
17. Tony-mate of Joshman's (Possible)
18. Luke 91 mate (Possible)
19. Nathan JG (Possible)
20. Nathan JG mate (Possible)
21. Nathan JG mate (Possible)
22. Nathan JG mate (Possible)

Folks, i received this PM from NathanJG stating the following;


We have been trying to organise a trip for Sept in 2013. Unfortunately our numbers have dropped and I am currently looking at other options. At the moment we have 3, possibly 4 of us. Our Nav, a ranger and possiblt two cruiser utes. All but one of the cruiser utes have very limited 4wd experence. Just wondering if you would be happy to have us tag along with you guys or not??



As previously stated, this trip is your trip, and for that reason i will ask you all for input into your once in a life-time special trip. We have had a run of people coming forward requesting to be part of this trip before today's final cut-off point. A classic is Nathan JG's PM above.

For this reason our numbers have grown to 22 Vehicles. Because of the large numbers, i have decided to ask you all if you are interested into that we divide the numbers into 2 touring groups. ie 2 groups. We will know by the 31st January 2013 exactly what the group numbers will be!

We will stagger the start times of the groups by 1 day or 24 hours apart. example, group one will leave Port Douglas on the 3rd of August, Group 2 on the 4th August.

The reason for this is twofold, firstly, when we hit the developmental road, we will be travelling at intervals of between 100 to 200 meters apart from vehicle to vehicle, so that we are not all travelling in one another's dust. Secondly, should we decide to do the Telegraph track, it is easier for 9 to 11 vehicles traveling and camping-up on the track than 22. It will be impossible to get 22 vehicles parked at Fruit-bat falls.

However, both groups will finally meet up at Punsand bay resort and we can get a group photo at the Tip together!

To make this far, i have decided that the following folks will make up the 2 groups;

Group 1

1. Paul (RLI) & family DEFINITE!
2. Bryan (04silverSTR) DEFINITE!
3. Bryce DEFINITE!
4. Gunning1987: DEFINITE!
5. Sparra (sparra04) DEFINITE!
6. Case84 DEFINITE!
7. lorrieandjas DEFINITE!
8. nissannewby (200 killer wasps) DEFINITE!
9. GU Camper (DEFINITE!)
10. Scott (scottybobcat) (DEFINITE!)

Group 2

1. Joshman (DEFINITE!)
2. Tony-mate of Joshman's (Possible)
3. Luke (luke91) DEFINITE!
4. Luke 91 mate (Possible)
5. Nathan JG (Possible)
6. Nathan JG mate (Possible)
7. Nathan JG mate (Possible)
8. Nathan JG mate (Possible)
9. Apollofish (Possible)
10. Jason D40 (Possible)
11. Nathan (lunn86) (Possible)
12. Zanick (Possible)

The (Possibles) and on our tour list have until the 31st January 2013 to advise if they will be (DEFINITES!) so i can organise booking the various camp sites. Any of the remaining (Possibles) who fail to notify us by the January deadline. Are still welcome to come along. However, they will have to organise there own campsite bookings.

Trendsetters, PLEASE PM your contact phone numbers and your state and areas from where you come from to Jas, That way Jas could put a contact list together and then PM them back to the DEFINITES. Folks, if you fail to help Jas you fail me! I want team players on this trip!

This will allow you to contact one another and formally introduce yourselves to one another! It also allows you to see who is the closet fellow Cape York participant closest to you. This might also allow you to meet up and travel from home to Cairns together!

PS, 7 months and counting!



G'day Trendsetters,

By now you should have all received a PM from me with the following message;

"G'day mate,

Just a follow-up on next year’s August 2013 Cape-York Trip! Could you please confirm that you are a DEFINITE! by the 31st Jan 2013. So i can start making the appropriate camp site bookings.

Disregard the following if you have already provided the info requested!

Could you also PM Jas with your contact phone numbers and your state and areas from where you come from to Jas, that way Jas could put a contact list together and then PM them back to you.

PS, 7 months and counting!

Kind regards,

Paul (RLI)"

The dead line for the trip is today! After today we will not be taking anymore participants.

I would like to wish you and your families and Safe and Prosperous New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

PS, See you all in 2013 and 7 months and counting!


Paul & family
Hey guys. Just letting you know I got PMs from Bryce, luke91, sparra04 and joshman. The iPad isn't playing nice with the forum so I'll call you guys this week to catch up.

Final touring list! 1/01/2013

Touring list:​

1. Paul (RLI) & family DEFINITE!
2. Apollofish DEFINITE!
3. Bryan (04silverSTR) DEFINITE!
4. Bryce DEFINITE!
5. Sparra (sparra04) DEFINITE!
6. Luke (luke91) DEFINITE!
7. Case84 DEFINITE!
8. lorrieandjas DEFINITE!
9. nissannewby (200 killer wasps) DEFINITE!
10. Joshman (DEFINITE!)
11. GU Camper (DEFINITE!)
12. Scott (scottybobcat) (DEFINITE!)
13. Gunning1987: (Possible)
14. Nathan (lunn86) (Possible)
15. Jason D40 (Possible)
16. Zanick (Possible)
17. Tony-mate of Joshman's (Possible)
18. Luke 91 mate (Possible)
19. Nathan JG (Possible)
20. Nathan JG mate (Possible)
21. Nathan JG mate (Possible)
22. Nathan JG mate (Possible)

Because of the large numbers, i have decided to have 2 touring groups. We finalise these groups by the 31st January 2013.

We will stagger the start times of the groups by 1 day or 24 hours apart. example, group one will leave Port Douglas on the 3rd of August, Group 2 on the 4th August.

The reason for this is twofold, firstly, when we hit the developmental road, we will be travelling at intervals of between 100 to 200 meters apart from vehicle to vehicle, so that we are not all travelling in one another's dust. Secondly, should we decide to do the Telegraph track, it is easier for 9 to 11 vehicles traveling and camping-up on the track than 22. It will be impossible to get 22 vehicles parked at Fruit-bat falls.

However, both groups will finally meet up at Punsand bay resort and we can get a group photo at the Tip together!

Group 1

1. Paul (RLI) & family DEFINITE!
2. Apollofish DEFINITE!
3. Bryan (04silverSTR) DEFINITE!
4. Bryce DEFINITE!
5. Sparra (sparra04) DEFINITE!
6. Case84 DEFINITE!
7. lorrieandjas DEFINITE!
8. nissannewby (200 killer wasps) DEFINITE!
9. GU Camper (DEFINITE!)
10. Scott (scottybobcat) (DEFINITE!)

Group 2

1. Joshman (DEFINITE!)
2. Tony-mate of Joshman's (Possible)
3. Gunning1987: (Possible)
4. Luke (luke91) DEFINITE!
5. Luke 91 mate (Possible)
6. Nathan JG (Possible)
7. Nathan JG mate (Possible)
8. Nathan JG mate (Possible)
9. Nathan JG mate (Possible)
10. Jason D40 (Possible)
11. Nathan (lunn86) (Possible)
12. Zanick (Possible)

The (Possibles) and on our tour list have until the 31st January 2013 to advise if they will be (DEFINITES!) so i can organise booking the various camp sites. Any of the remaining (Possibles) who fail to notify us by the January deadline. Are still welcome to come along. However, they will have to organise there own campsite and accommodation bookings.

Trendsetters, PLEASE PM your contact phone numbers and your state and areas from where you come from to Jas, That way Jas could put a contact list together and then PM them back to the DEFINITES.

This will allow you to contact one another and formally introduce yourselves to one another! It also allows you to see who is the closet fellow Cape York participant closest to you. This might also allow you to meet up and travel from home to Cairns together!

PS, 7 months and counting!


well its getting closer
i have set aside jobs to complete each month so we and the car are ready
i am currently estimating fuel costs and distances
i have worked out what i need to get from home to port douglass
what i need is an approx distance from port to tip and return
i estimated 1300 ks each way
does this sound right ??
are we there yet

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