That's interesting FZRR I'd be interested to see if it is different. I'll ask them next time I get an email back but from having the front 4600 billies installed from the US they are a dam good copy. Only reason I have settled for billies is cause I did some YouTube research and got to look at the differences between mono and twin tube designs. The billies have a substantial thicker wall tube so taking rocks wouldn't damage them(obviously depending on size).
I'd be interested to Ser there reply even after there big hype on the webpage about them being genuine billies with digressive valving etc. Gotta remember there is 3 types of valving for the billies. Comfort, heavy duty, sport. I'll ask about the valving aswell. They are selling them as Heavy Duty so my guess is it's valves as HD Digressive
I'd be interested to Ser there reply even after there big hype on the webpage about them being genuine billies with digressive valving etc. Gotta remember there is 3 types of valving for the billies. Comfort, heavy duty, sport. I'll ask about the valving aswell. They are selling them as Heavy Duty so my guess is it's valves as HD Digressive