well loyal followers, we have success!! the ute is now "fixed" and in our possession!! picked it up today and so far so good. Just to summarize the whole affair, the car was bought from benstead car company on the magic mile at moorooka. it came roadworthied with 6 months rego, some of the issues were:
# the brake lights works intermittently, i paid $140 bux out of my own pocket to wynnum auto electrix, im very happy with their work and they also diagnosed the internally broken headlight. (should not have passed a roadworthy)
# as per above, the headlight internals were broken which required a complete replacement light, which was supplied by benstead, but our ute has the adjuster on the dash and the headlight supplied has no provision for remote adjustment. the headlight bulb was jammed sort of sideways into the hole where the bulb goes, with the glass of the bulb being broken. (should not have passed a roadworthy)replaced by moorooka automotive with the headlight supplied by benstead auto.
# vibration at 80 kmh and over. This was the biggest issue, i took the car to bensteads recommended repairer (total car care @ slacks creek). total car care checked the unis,turned the tailshaft around and said "its a little better,any more than that and its not covered under warranty.) i believe,but cannot be certain that total car care slacks creek was responsable for the roadworthy certificate, a copy of which was not supplied with the car. I would not go back to total car care slacks creek ever ever ever again.
# i paid $100 out of my own pocket to rgm services at rocklea. they told me that the front tailshaft was bent, they straightened and balanced it. they informed me that it should be good now but they could only test it in a straight line and there was a chance that it would not fix it. did not fix the problem but i would go back to them again.
#after complaining and seeking help from benstead car co moorooka,they sent me to moorooka automotive. the guys there took the front tailshaft to their own driveline balancer who said the tailshaft was bent and they straightened it and rebalanced it to no improvement. 2 new cv shafts,no improvement. tighten up the nut on the yolk of the transfer case, no improvement. new transfer case,no improvement. second hand front tailshaft from who knows where,wala good as gold!! i think the guys at moorooka automotive could have done a faster job but they fixed it in the end,gave us updates when we rang and took the front tailshaft out so we could drive the ute around @ xmas and new years break. would i take a car back to them, yes i would.
all in all, over 3 weeks at various mechanics and repairers, we are just glad to have the car back. there was myself, my pregnant wife, 5yo and 16 yo all shuffling around in a bench seated vs ute and various borrowed cars from generous friends. all i have to do now is move the numberplate from behind the rear step ( steel tray) plumb a number plate light on to shine on the number plate (once again not road legal.) and were good to go,thank goodness!!