These few events will be a good laugh guys, and they will be easy enough not to intimidate the wife's or even your sons or daughters (as long as they have at least there L or P plates) from having a go.
The events are loosely based off of the Nissan patrol clubs "Son Of Trials" events held in Mittagong twice a year.
The main Idea of these style of events is to keep it FUN, no one wants anyone to damage there vehicles so the events are to test you! NOT your car, and to have a FUN FRIENDLY bit of rivalry amongst our selfs and even between MR and MRS, (my bloody mrs beat me last year at the Son Of Trials and ended up with 3rd place overall and 2nd out of all the women,,,, but i was driving her stinking Hilux excuses excuses )
Everyone can enter and it will be included in your fee for the MUSTER, all you do from there is pay the park to use the tracks then your in for a chance to WIN THE PRIZES or at the very least have a laugh.
Here are some rules
both events will have a set time to do the course in, "a mean time" each driver will try and get as close to that "mean" time as possible,
For every second you are above that "mean" time you will get 1 penalty point
For every second you are under that "mean" time you will get 2 penalty points
you can also be given further penalty points for
* leaving the set course,
* knocking down barrier tape,
* stopping where not permitted
and there will be others set for each individual course, But you will be advised of them prior to each course.
looking forward to seeing everyone have a crack and have some fun, as a Navi will be needed for at-least one of the events it will also allow our kids and wife's to participate in a fun event.
if you are travelling solo dont worry you will no doubt be able to find someone to jump in with you for the few minutes it takes to do the course.
We will wait and see mate, BUT as i said the events are NOT to test the vehicle so tyres wont make a difference,
The "mean time" will be more then generous so people DONT have to go fast, they just have to be the closest to the set time,
so sign up fellas lets make this years muster a great weekend with some great memories..
sounds like a great event, I am doing the Cape Trip also but this is 6 weeks after the Cape Trip finishes, so plenty of time. As long as I come back from the Cape Trip still owning a Navara count me in. The family will be optional, they can either join me or stay at home for the weekend.
Just checked the weather history for October last year and the averages for that time of year for Brisbane, (figured it was close enough).
From what i can gather the lowest for the month was 23 and the highest was 29. The averages for the 18th-20th is around high 27, low 16.
With an average of 24 at 3pm and 21.4mm of rain for the month last year (total of .4mm for the 19th and none for the week either side).
I know all this means didlly squat but i thought it was a handy bit of information and me being in Sydney i find this fantastic weather.
In that case its simlar in rain but the temps were between 14 and 24 for the month, still much better then were getting here. last time i went camping it was like 9deg during the day.
I just sent him a simple email suggesting he should attend the muster and probably get some business but more of you guys can meet him and change your idea's of the crap suspension from Nissan I know the 22 is a bouncing mess but the simple efs zordo installed has made me wish to keep if for a long while.