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  1. S

    Front D40 tow hooks.

    Macquarie 4x4 in Sydney has 4000kg points for $55, in stock.
  2. S

    D40 part number's, buy something. Post the part number here.

    Got 2 recovery points for the D40 (matching holes) rated to 4000kg each for $55ea from Macquarie 4x4 in Vineyard NSW. They are the type that require a shackle but they won't fail in a hurry either. They had them on the shelf.
  3. S

    Lift Kit

    Fair enough, runs contrary to all advice I've recieved but there you go.
  4. Steel1


  5. Steel


  6. Steel


  7. S

    Lift Kit

    Lifts on D40 normally about 40-45mm. Limiting factor is the CV joint angles, too high & these get stressed & pop. Lifts are often quoted as 2" but are really just under. This lift will clear 265/75/16 muddies without a problem. Never heard of a suspension lift affecting manual shifters or...
  8. S

    Comment by 'steel d40' in media 'DSC_0008'

    Sorry for not getting back to you, looks like you figured it out though. My tyres are M/T MTZ in 265/75/16. & Nissan snorkel. Nice truck mate.
  9. S

    coil spacers

    Blue boy I have same set up as you (without the alloy tray) and know where you are coming from, with the back sitting so high it gives the impression the front is lower than it is, if that makes sense. I actually measured it against the RTA specs for a D40 & found it to be closer to 45mm than I...
  10. S


    Duct tape on the bonnet catch works a treat too.
  11. S

    D40 Diesel Chips

    DP chip takes 5 mins out & 5 mins in, leaves no trace.
  12. S

    Strange Noise

    Squeaky bonnet catch everytime. Electrical tape fixes prob but does wear out. Then you hear the squeak again & have to remember what it was..... or is that just me.
  13. S

    performance chips

    Running a DP chip from berrima diesel & have found it awesome. Their service & support is also first rate. Turbo spools up quicker making it easier to drive & there is even an improvement in economy. Haven't touched the exhaust yet but haven't felt the need either.
  14. S

    Tail gate lock

    Hate to say it but that is a different set up to mine. The shroud around the handle doesn't have the cut out for the lock that mine has. Mechanism for the tailgate release appears different also. Sorry mate but I may have given you a bum steer.
  15. S

    Tail gate lock

    Can't help with the part no but the lock itself is a breeze to fit. Have a look inside the tailgate & you'll see it's very straight forward.
  16. S


    G'day & welcome If I've got a parts enquiry for you what is the preferred method of asking? PM or a post? Though you could almost do with your own thread around here.
  17. S

    Canopy - tailgate padding ?

    Couldn't locate invoice sorry. However believe it was a seller called utemart73 or something like that. They haven't got one listed but I have seen them listed regularly so might be worth approaching directly. Solves this problem bigtime.
  18. S

    Canopy - tailgate padding ?

    Sorry mate it was too long ago & ebay aren't showing details anymore. However I know it was from a ute place in qld somewhere & I may still have the packing at home with the receipt. Will get back to you tomorrow.
  19. S

    Canopy - tailgate padding ?

    Picked up a plastic rail protector on ebay which is tough enough to support timber & gives total protection to top of tailgate. Had to buy full bed rail & only used tailgate section but it works a treat & actually provides a tighter fit for tailgate, brilliant.