Old.Tony is on the ball. But the redark one does in fact have an ignition wire as well.
I don't like the ctek ones you need a relay for a smart alt. But other wise they are fine.
I'd say yes to the extand. a long rang tank to suit a body lift is not something I've seen for the D40. Patrols Yes D40 No. That is not to say they aren't out there
Mate stuff living out bush I'll have it in town. Speed humps might be a problem tho. But I'm from Canberra thos things are eveywhere.... One of those with a big stroked LS1 zooming down the drags on wednesday night in Sydney be awesome to see.
1st time I've seen them. With a Bull bar on the front dont see the point of them. More likely get booked for them blocking your lights. Even tho is not by much