Hey Guys, got hold of a bolt on canopy off a Hilux, it’s 1800 long and I know the tub on my D40 is 1600. Are there any known issues with bolting this on? Has anyone done something similar before?
Other than the tub being 200mm short..Hey Guys, Are there any known issues with bolting this on?
Will have to get photos later as the Nav is sitting at Rocky airport. I’m at home in NSW.Other than the tub being 200mm short..
Unless you needed something yesterday, I would hunt around and find something more fitting.
Throw up a photo or two of your Nav and the proposed canopy
Will have to get photos later as the Nav is sitting at Rocky airport. I’m at home in NSW.
I was enquiring more about issues coming from adding 200 to the back end once I remove the current tub and fibreglass canopy, and bolt on the Hilux canopy. Will there be weight or other issues stemming from this?