YD25 blanking question

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May 20, 2012
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Can someone riddle me this..

Before blanked the EGR in my D22 2.5 it use to blow a fair bit of smoke and i just thought "Meh, its a diesel". Now after blocking the EGR it blows no smoke what so ever haha, wtf.. Wouldn't you think its better for the environment (better emissions) to have no EGR?
the smoke you can see is not what does the damage, what does the damage is CO, CO2, Nitrogen oxides, Sulphur dioxide and microscopic particles.

Most of these come about from higher burn temperatures (NOx) and inefficient combustion of the fuel (CO), the sulphur is present in some quantity in diesel fuel and coal, CO2 is just a natural by product of combustion of fossil fuels the other being H2O.

By doing the EGR mod you bring more ideal conditions for these greenhouse gases to propagate.
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fkin greenies
all propaganda and tax driven bullshit
carbon tax my arse
end rant
Theres no doubt the climate is changing, whether its a natural process or from pollution is hard to tell as its happened many times before usually right before an ice age, food for thought...
Difference is that this time we are physically able to produce greenhouse gases in a big enough quantity to change the atmosphere, and we do.

The politics behind the Carbon Tax is a little more complex.
Wouldn't worry to much about blocking off the EGR valve.

A bit of acid rain will be least of our grand kids problems. The likely 6 deg. rise in global temps by the end of the century will be catastrophic. The last week in Aust is just be a very, very mild sneak preview and this is only a 1 a bit deg. rise over the last century.

The good news is we'll probably run out of oil. It will be a lucky break if happens in time.
Wouldn't worry to much about blocking off the EGR valve.

A bit of acid rain will be least of our grand kids problems. The likely 6 deg. rise in global temps by the end of the century will be catastrophic. The last week in Aust is just be a very, very mild sneak preview and this is only a 1 a bit deg. rise over the last century.

The good news is we'll probably run out of oil. It will be a lucky break if happens in time.

running out of oil is our biggest problem, by far and large, we can adapt to the other problems, adapting to no oil though seems impossible, everything in our society requires it to function. Maybe I should read less and just not give a **** though...
running out of oil is our biggest problem, by far and large, we can adapt to the other problems, adapting to no oil though seems impossible, everything in our society requires it to function. Maybe I should read less and just not give a **** though...

According to a recent documentary
Peak oil is a myth
It will however become more exspensive to get to as time goes by
Most companies extract the easy oil then cap the wells leaving the more expensive oil behind as there is plenty of easy oil left to extract elsewhere
More oil was discovered in the last 2 years than we used worldwide in the same period
If you can believe everything you hear/watch
yea I can, I know theres still something like 50-55% of estimated reserves left, the vast majority is in like you said harder to reach/process places like oil sands of canada and reserves below deep water.

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