Wading Depths for D22

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Jan 24, 2012
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Hi Guys

I am new to the forum and relatively new to 4wding.

Just wondering if anyone could tell me what the wading depth of the D22 is. I have searched through the manual but can't seem to find it.

Also does adding a snorkel increase the depth you can go?


Welcome to the forum.

If you're considering wading in either a D22 or a D40, I'd recommend a properly-sealed snorkel is advisable, and a wading bra is essential.

The D22 has a small disadvantage - perhaps not all models, and this disadvantage goes away with a sealed snorkel fitted. The inner guard for the front left wheel doesn't prevent large water splashes from entering the air intake. One of the members here took theirs quickly through 300mm of water and it destroyed the engine.

But, sealed and wading bra fitted, your D22 ought to be able to wade in slow-moving water up to (say) halfway up its windscreen.

Do NOT forget the wading bra. Some under-body protection to stop sticks and debris from reaching up into the radiator and causing damage would also be good. Entering the water rapidly is not recommended, as it could force the radiator back into the fan.

Finally, the turbocharger runs hot, so before wading through any water, sit and idle the car for a few minutes and then slowly and gently enter the water, maintaining speed to keep a "bow wave" going.
It's a covering designed to deflect most of the water (and debris) from entering the engine bay through the front grille.


You don't NEED to completely cover the front, you can just cover the grille. With a steel or alloy bar in place, you can place it over the front of the bar, and as long as you keep moving, debris won't find its way in behind it.
is it mainly to protect the radiator? because wont all the debris still come in underneath and sides (given your going though deep enough water?)
Underneath requires a deflection plate, which if you have a bullbar you should have had installed anyway. From the sides none of the debris would have any velocity and nothing of any length could turn into the grille and cause damage.
Only put the bra on for the crossing so radiator airflow isnt a issue for the period of time you have it on
oh ok then, how does it go with restricting airflow to the radiator?

As Goata points out, you're not in the water for long but the temperature in the radiator shouldn't rise a lot anyway. The water touching the outside of the radiator should be more effective at cooling the water INSIDE the radiator - because the water-metal interface is so much more effective at transferring thermal energy (that's partly why misting systems are effective, and why water-air intercoolers are so effective).

So - and you'll have to ask someone who's been wading a fair bit to see if they've noticed it for a definitive answer. The only times I've been in water I've been too busy watching where I'm going to bother with the temperature gauge!
The bow wave created by the bra also helps reduce the amount of water that enters the engine bay and help reduce any electrical problems that might aries. The bow wave is like a sock wave in the water that starts to push the water out the way before the car gets there, but like tony said you need to maintain a constant speed, if you slow down you will lose the effect of the wave, if you speed up you will over take your wave and force water into the engine bay. A can off WD40 or something is a good idea too incase water manages too get into any electrical plugs and things start playing up.
Thought you mean't one of these Tony.

I hacked Woody's computer and found this image.


  • man bra.jpg
    man bra.jpg
    13.2 KB
Wading bra is something i am yet to do for my nav, but otherwise yep snorkel will increase it heaps.
i've been through water over my bonnet without a wading bra...

yeah i know, not the smartest thing to do, but the secret really is to keep a constant speed to maintain that bow wave. a snorkel is a great investment, not only can you wade through water deeper than you would otherwise, you allow your truck to get a nice gutfull of air as you drive.
I ha been through water over my bonnet 3 or 4 times before I had a snorkel. Just keep up speed and you're sweet
Hey guys, Does anyone know where all the computers are in a d40. Iv seen one in the engine bay fire wall drivers side. But unsure if there is one in cab.. I have done lots of water crossings in previous 4wd's with no issue. Its only bad if stuck and stoped in the water. If i know where the sensetive electrics are i know when to PANIC...
Dave, you're a naughty boy!

I use the term "wading bra" so that everyone knows what I am referring to.

"Tarp" is just as bloody good although it's not going to protect from a thin sharp stick anywhere near as well as canvas would.

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