Spot lights

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Oct 29, 2011
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Hi guys im new to this forum! I have recently brought the d22 and have the nissan steel winch ready bullbar . I am looking to put some spot lights on the front bullbar . Can anyone recommend any types?
Welcome to the forums, just about any driving lights will go there but it still comes down to personal preference, try searching the forums for spotlight, driving lights or even spotties I'm sure you'll find lots of responses.
Personally I can't fault the IPFs fitted to mine. There's a smattering of rusty appearing in the chrome strip around them which is a little annoying but they're a very solid, sturdy light.
If you get to the chrome early enough with something like "Purple" then the rust stains don't get any worse and they do come off. But not all lights are like that.
Mate I'm gonna +1 on tony post. I have the ipf round lights which are the genuine Nissan item nd have nothin bad to say about them. I have converted them to hid and they are brilliant. The small rust patches around the Chrome you get used to. I will be pulling the covers off mine and giving them a touch up with purple polish and a clear coat
I got lightforce XGT's. They are an excellent spotlight, very bright and shine bloody far up the road. I think a spread cover would be good on one, but i'm a tightarse and can live with the 2 spots, so i do.
+1 for my RooLites. They're abit of a bitch to tighten up good. But they work a treat.
As bright as my mates Lightforces. And much cheaper
Gonna throw another vote in for the RooLites, I have the 180's with the blue spread covers on them and they do the job real nice without the extra cost of another well known brand for which they are a knockoff. They also come with their own wiring loom included.

Cheers Brad

Sent from Brad's iPhone using Forum Runner
im going to be looking at the Roadvision Cobra Series in a few months
Havent really heard that much about them yet thou.
I have hella rallyeye 4000 There a great light they were on the ute when i got it, But when i changed over to a nissan steel winchbar i had to drill new holes in the bar for the lights, They have more body behind the light than some other brands and there is clearance issues with the grill hence the need for new holes, I believe the ipf that nissan sell are very flat at the back of the light and no clearance issue. But if i need to buy new lights for another ute i would buy them again
Yeah thanks guys might have to go check out some prices then! Are they hard to wire up?
Not if you have some experience and understand the basics of wiring, or at very least can follow a diagram on the packaging they supply.
Not if you have some experience and understand the basics of wiring, or at very least can follow a diagram on the packaging they supply.

As much as it pains me to say Krafty is correct:sarcastic: If you can change your oil you can easily wire up your lights with a wiring loom you get from arb or supercheap
I have been running IPFs for the last 20 years. Currently the extreames on mine with HID upgrades. Never had a reason to fault them.

I even have a pair of IPFs that were squashed between a Bravo and a Hilux, that still work, but the back of the reflector is a tad squished.

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