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Sad to see our kids die, and worst yet be killed at the hands of someone who supposed to be their protector. R.I.P Young Lad.
Horriffic to say the least, no kid deserves that treatment, no mother deserves to be around that either. Seriously makes me ill another reason i dont watch the news.
I'd like to ask what the world is comming too. but this type of shit has been happening for years. Hope his father rotes
very upsetting. just a damn shame this loser wasnt diagnosed and treated or locked up before this could happen. c*nt should've just offed himself
Word is that the guy was looking for suicide by cop ... it is a great shame that Luke was caught in the middle. Rest in peace little fella.

And as for the old c*nt ... the police did farkin good, just a pity it wasn't a little earlier.
our legal system has a lot to answer for.. allegedly the police sought him to be locked up before this instance due to their view he was at high risk of being a danger to his son and ex wife..yet a judge let him free..
also appears evident he had significant mental health issues….
how the system has let everyone down..
our legal system has a lot to answer for.. allegedly the police sought him to be locked up before this instance due to their view he was at high risk of being a danger to his son and ex wife..yet a judge let him free..
also appears evident he had significant mental health issues….
how the system has let everyone down..

This is absolutely right, but the difficulty is that there aren't enough cells in prison and while it's okay for us to joke about guys like this sharing a cell with Bubba, in reality it won't actually resolve the issue in the best possible way.

I guess as a society we're still learning. We don't do enough of this and we aim at our government and call them lazy. We do too much of the same and we're a nanny state. That middle road is different for you and me - because we all see the world differently.

I'm not saying this guy should have been left out to do what he did, just pointing to parts of the system that let us down. We (as a society) will continue bitching at each other about not doing enough/nannying for years to come - it seems to be our way!

As for the "best possible way" to deal with this - if you had a crystal ball and could forsee that he was after suicide-by-cop, then rather than a lengthy process of arrest, indictment, arraignment and release, you could have just shot him.

Oh for a REAL gypsy.
This is absolutely right, but the difficulty is that there aren't enough cells in prison and while it's okay for us to joke about guys like this sharing a cell with Bubba, in reality it won't actually resolve the issue in the best possible way.

I guess as a society we're still learning. We don't do enough of this and we aim at our government and call them lazy. We do too much of the same and we're a nanny state. That middle road is different for you and me - because we all see the world differently.

I'm not saying this guy should have been left out to do what he did, just pointing to parts of the system that let us down. We (as a society) will continue bitching at each other about not doing enough/nannying for years to come - it seems to be our way!

As for the "best possible way" to deal with this - if you had a crystal ball and could forsee that he was after suicide-by-cop, then rather than a lengthy process of arrest, indictment, arraignment and release, you could have just shot him.

Oh for a REAL gypsy.

Bring back the death penalty for the more serious and unchallenged law breakers, quite simple in my mind. i mean would make more room to lock up these type of offenders and simply cost less of my tax money. seriously i pay tax so law breakers can have 3 hots and a cot, internet, schooling etc seriously?? i thought prison was meant to be a deterant.
Death penalty is good and everything, but it wouldn't have stopped this nutbar from doing what he did.

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