Rear Door Skin

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I haven't got my manual with me in Perth so can anyone tell me if I need to remove the entire rear (passenger side) door skin to get to any gap between where the drink holder base is and the door rubbers. I think it's one panel that covers the door speaker and makes up that cup holder bit but I'm not sure how much needs to come off.

Idiot mother in law left a full but open can of Coke in the door and didn't tell me and during one of the trips it's obviously moved enough to spill down inside the holder and leak further down to the door rubber.

Of course first I noticed of this when the door started making a sticking noise as I opened it by which time it was way too late to do anything useful about it.

I can clean the base of the cup holder, I can clean the bottom of the plastic door skin and I can clean the door, the rubber and the panel but is there much in whatever gap it's leaked down that I should be worried about.

09 STX for those that don't know.
Dunno how to link pics sorry....
1; Remove ashtray, then screw fixing power windows switch ass.
2; Remove power window switch ass.
* Disconnect harness connector.
3; Remove pull handle cover.
* Remove screw behind pull handle cover.
4 Remove pull handle escutcheon.
5 Lift upwards to release clips and remove armrest.
* Remove screws behind armrest.
6 Release the clips and remove rear door finisher.
* Disconnect the rear door tweeter.
AWE crap that sounds like way too much effort especially for me to do here, was hoping it was two pieces and the bottom bit just popped off.

Oh well look like I'll have to make the mother in law lick off the door rubber.

Thanks john
I am not home either & I must confess that I don't have a manual. I did try to download it (most likely illegally) but it ended up as some sort of Winrar archive or whatever & I am buggered if I know what happened to it after that. That's the price you pay when you don't pay much in the first place I suppose.

Well your problem...

I would personally buy a bag of frozen bait, preferably prawns (a kilo of frozen deli prawns at the local supermarket will suffice), and hide them discretely in the old ladies car. Just let them fall out of the shopping bag & slip under one of the seats or slip under the crocheted rug that is invariably covering the back seat. They have to be frozen so she doesn't smell them on the way home & also so that there is lots of juice when they defrost.

Next time she gets in the car to go to bingo, bingo!

She might learn to have a bit of respect for other peoples property.

The situation is more challenging if she does not own a car but not insurmountable. In that case I would suggest hiding them in the house, somewhere she would not find them for a few days such as her undie draw. The only problem here is that it is possible she will never notice! As a word of warning, be very careful that you don't get caught with your hands in her undie draw as it might be difficult to explain.

Not trying to detract from your problem but dear wifie got fresh tar on her runners last week & I noticed yesterday that instead of keeping her trotters on the rubber floor mat, she has managed to get tar on the carpet (side of the transmission tunnel). I hope I can get if off without making matters worse.

Good luck
Not trying to detract from your problem but dear wifie got fresh tar on her runners last week & I noticed yesterday that instead of keeping her trotters on the rubber floor mat, she has managed to get tar on the carpet (side of the transmission tunnel). I hope I can get if off without making matters worse.

Good luck

I stumbled across a cleaner called Citro Clean, based on orange peel oil. It will do tar very easily Joe. It's in a little pressure pack 50gm's. Does permanent marker n all. Very handy with small billy lids in the car and house.
I stumbled across a cleaner called Citro Clean, based on orange peel oil. It will do tar very easily Joe. It's in a little pressure pack 50gm's. Does permanent marker n all. Very handy with small billy lids in the car and house.

Thanks I will have a look today
Joe she has a car but it's F&^%ed sitting in the garage and wont even turn over. I was suppose to look at it and get it running while I was here so we could trade it in on a new car but I'm sick of the bullshit and don't agree with car she wants to buy so I've stepped away. Figure leaving her car not running might be some little form of payback for spilling coke in my car. If it's not enough there is still time to make a prick of myself at the wedding this weekend :big_smile:

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