Navara stalling

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Jul 10, 2013
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We have a Navara ST and we have for over 12 months been finding that the engine stalls when it is being driven at a slow speed. We have to turn it off and restart the engine. The Pulsars are having the same problem. Can anyone else confirm that they are also experiencing the same
hi :)

would pay to post in the appropriate section for your ute (ie d22 or d40 section) and mention what year its is and what motor it has.
then we can have a crack at tracking down your issue.
Welcome to the forum. I think I'll move the post in a minute to the D40 Engine section.

I'm not sure that the 2012 ST models had escaped the EGR valve issues and if the EGR is open at low RPM then combustion isn't going to be as smooth as it ought to. A faulty EGR valve will cause this - but you can block the EGR almost completely to overcome this (EGR is for emission control, and dampens the combustion process).

It might also be a dirty MAFS in the intake - you don't say whether or not this started suddenly or it gradually reached this point. The MAFS is a delicate and expensive ($400) sensor that sits in the rear of the air pipe just outside the air filter box, and it's easy to clean with electrical contact cleaner ONLY (remove sensor, clean, allow to dry, reinstall).

You might also have air in the fuel line. Possibly a slightly misplaced seal in the fuel filter, an under/overtightened hose clamp, deterioration of the primer bulb. Easy to diagnose: reach under the filter and squeeze that primer a few times. If you go past 5-6 squeezes and it's still not firm, or if you can feel cracking in the bulb, there's your culprit.

Open the bonnet, start the engine and have someone tap the throttle so that the engine RPM goes from idle to about 1500 and back to idle. While they're doing this, inspect the arm coming out from beneath the actuator on the turbocharger (the gold horizontal disc thing). The arm should move quite freely while the person is doing that. If not, your actuator could be damaged, or the components that drive it could be damaged (there were issues with this too).

There are other possibilities. Does it only happen when cold or hot? What you say "low rpm", exactly what RPM range are we talking about? Are there any new noises coming from your engine?
Very unlikely to be EGR or MAF, Most common cause of stalling is the SCV. (providing the fuel filter is ok) this can be diagnosed by monitoring the fuel rail pressure when fault is occuring. A faulty SCV will show rail pressure drop causing the stalling.
Also, the stalling issue with new pulsars is a completely seperate issue affecting the ECM software on the petrol engines and is no way related to your vehicle

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