Muster Prep

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There's tonnes to do, and I won't be worrying if anyone has a vertical eyebrow or not.

Packing the goodies for the Muster. Making sure that the van has everything - gas in the bottles, water in the tanks, toilet chemicals in place, BBQ clean and loaded, clothes in the cupboard, fresh bedding, tyre pressures right, electrical connections intact, weight distribution hitch fitted, jerry cans filled with diesel (we don't intend to stop anywhere for fuel and will have 250L of BP Ultimate Diesel on board). Engel running, loaded with cold drinks, camping chairs loaded, hats in the back, some tools in case things go wrong, a couple of spare fuses and globes ...

PLENTY to do.
Yeah, I'm the boss. I wear the pants.

She just tells me what ones each day

Truer words have never been spoken.

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