The issue of firewood has been raised in one of the threads for the muster, they are saying that wood is scares in the area, do we need to look into this, speak to the owners? I could bring some from home but room will be limited.
Hey guys just wanted to ask if it will be possible for me to drive an xr6 into the camp area.
The navara I was given has unroadworthy tires do they gave me the falcon until I get back.
Apparently the campground area is suitable for 2WD family vehicles. I would encourage you to avoid the Gymkhana in it, unless we can snatch it from the steering wheel.
haha imagine the story you would have to come up with to explain how the steering wheel was torn out of the car and why it landed in Cairns and why the skirt kit is now on the roof?? hahaha
Idea for tie in the khana - it's quick and easy. Do a lap round agree then you have to reverse as close as you can to an egg on a pole. Closes without knocking it off wins (saw that on Brady Bunch one day .... Marsha won!)