Nissan Warranty
Thanks for the replys Guys.
I have given up on Nissan warranty and Nissan. I have had this D40 for 16 mths now and done 30000ks. At 3000ks, I had DPF/ Fuel consumption problems plus wheel alignment issues. Nissans reply " Oh so sorry, Cannot help"
At about the same ks I started to tow and found this loud fan roar so back to the dealer. They in turn went back to Nissan and after 12 months of back and forward to Nissan Customer Service (?????) Nissans reply "Oh so sorry, Cannot help". Any other issue, same reply.
Our friends who travel with us, have a D40 also, and have experinced the same. Having a clutch repleaced at 28000ks was an massive fight. Having another one fail at 64000ks was also a massive fight, which they lost. It seems clutches are now a wear item and not covered. They sold their previousl vehicle with 420000ks on it and with the original clutch.
So where does that leave me !!!
Pissed off.
Looking for another vehivle.
Righting on lots of Vehicle and Caravan Forums (Yes we are caravaners and talk to a lot of other caravaners)
Why !!!! Becauce this was my 4th NEW Nissan and now my last as there attuide towards their customers has changed to **** and it WILL come back to bite them.
Also to advise other potential Nissan customers to ask a lot of questions, read a lot of forums, talk to a lot of end users and not just Nissan sales people.They refuse to help with issues that they know they have, hoping they will just go away. Well they will, along with their customers and potential customers.
So what will my next tow vehicle be?? Not sure, But it wont be Nissan (oh so sorry,cannot buy)