Licola to Dargo - Gate closures?

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Aug 25, 2010
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I'm planning to do a Licola to Dargo day the weekend after Queens Birthday. I understand that the DSE closes most of its gates around then.

Does anyone know if the following route is going to be affected by gate closures after Queens B'Day? I've checked the DSE website. If the info is on there, I can't find it.

From Licola
Tamboritha Rd - Arbuckle Junction
Arbuckle Jn - Moroka Rd - Pinnacle Rd
Pinnacle Rd- Billy Goat Bluff Tk
Crooked River Rd - Short Cut Track
Short Cut Track - Dargo.

Its the suggested route off the Rooftop (Dargo-Howitt Plains) Map. Any other local knowledge people have of these tracks recent condition would also be appreciated.

Driver experience ranges from beginner to intermediate. All running AT's and we have a hand winch on board. Reckon we'll be alright?

Also looking for a few hour-long day loop at the Dargo end to soak up sunday morning before the return to Melb if anyone has some suggestions?
The route you have listed doesn't have any gates and should be relatively easy. Make sure to go uot to the fire tower at the pinnacles. The only section to be concerned with is Billy Goats as it is rather steep in sections but should be fine. Just take your time.
On the way up Maroka Rd, stop and walk down to Maroka hut, about 500m, we have just completed our working bees to repair the hut.
A nice trip from Dargo is out to Harrisons cut, it should be on your Rooftop map, and then to Treasures huts on the high plains road.
Cheers guys, good info.

Navarian, that link is gold. Bookmarked for sure.

Sossel, yeah my map doesn't show any gates. I have been burnt by maps before! sometimes things aren't quite as they appear. I read the marginal info and saw that Billy Goats Tk was steep, but we're going down it not up it, so shouldn't be a warstopper.

Harrison's cut sounds good for a morning trip as well!
Check Vic Roads for road closures if your going anywhere soon. As of today there is more than 30 different road closures in the Gippsland region due to flooding over night. Some may open by the weekend but it will depend just how quickly the water can get away.

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