Jaycar Speedo Corrector

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Dec 3, 2010
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I have a 2010 ST-R D22 that I want to install a Jaycar Speedo corrector to correct the 10% over reading speedometer.

I have searched the forums but I can't find any replies to the following questions.

Where abouts did you connect into the wiring, under the vehicle or behind the dash and was it between the speed sensor and the speedo?

Which wire did you splice into and its colour?

Where did you install the unit itself?

Many Thanks in advance CJ
I don't think many of us have fitted one. I haven't.

The car actually does know almost precisely how fast you're traveling (if you're on standard tyre size). The error is just in the needle itself.

If you modify the signal (if that's possible) you'll fix the apparent reading, but throw your odometer out of whack.

Best bet for accurate speed measurement: use a GPS.
This made me laugh..

I had the wifesGPS in my ute the other day and my speedo is 10klm out.. so 110 is 100 on gps and its consisant.. farkn ell..

i had better sort this one out, no wondr i fell like i have to speed every where to keep up..
Lucas, before you plug the Jaycar box in, check the odometer against a test length. You can either use a freeway test area, or use the GPS distance function against your trip meter.

It's also possible that other people are either using their GPS to provide them with a more accurate speed indication, or they're thinking "10k over, the cops won't book me for that".

I do notice that a lot of drivers sit about 10k UNDER the speed limit when passing fixed speed cameras, so I think it's more than likely they're "just doing 10k over" when really, they aren't.

You could always buy yourself a GPS. :big_smile:
I've checked my speedo and its exactly 9 Km/h out spoke to nissan and they confirmed this saying that they are all 9 km/h out but would do nothing about it. I haven't heard about the Jaycar fix i just use my GPS whenever i'm driving for a long distance
Hi GUys,

I spoke to an Auto lecky and supplier of speedo correction boxes for both Tojo's and Nissans. He said they correct the speedo but throw the odo out of whack.

ADR's allow for a 10% error in speedo's and Nissan use this to do nothing about it.

Just drive 10% faster than indicated to be right on the money. I'm going to put larger tyres on mine as soon as my current BFG's wear out.

I believe most cars have this "feature" as my mates rodeo does it and also my cousins GSXR-1000 does it.
I think there is a safety idea behind it for all cars. The faster you go the more the buffer.
My new Navara(700kms) is 10kms out as well,dealer told me that was ok.within the limits,didnt give me the same figures when I was paying my money,put DX decals on my doors instead of STR....cant fit the right decals what chance have they got of getting a speedo right.a bit peeved off..
My new Navara(700kms) is 10kms out as well,dealer told me that was ok.within the limits,didnt give me the same figures when I was paying my money,put DX decals on my doors instead of STR....cant fit the right decals what chance have they got of getting a speedo right.a bit peeved off..

It's not just Nissan, either. As previous posts in this thread stated, and has been mentioned quite a bit in the past on this forum, the Australian Designed Rules stipulate that your vehicle speedo is not ever allowed to read a speed lower than you are actually travelling at, but it is allowed to read up to (10%+4km/h) over the vehicle's actual speed.

With the refining of speed cameras (except that bodgey one in Melbourne :big_smile:) maybe it's good that they read a little higher than actual.

You'll still get there. If you have to drive 100km and do that at 100km/h, it takes you an hour. I'll do it at 90km/h and arrive 6 minutes later.

Big deal - so you get to stop and have a smoke while you're waiting for me. I don't smoke so go right ahead!
I have the same speedo error problem. Checked actual speed at 100km/h with gps 7kms/h high google maps 7kms/h high and tested speed with scan tool plugged in and scan tool reads correct speed 100kms/h which must be coming direct from computer. This makes me think there is an adjustment for speedo needle because it is done on purpose by the manufacture .

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