Okay so to start this afternoon I went out and got a lifter pump this is the **** I bought... Carter P4600HP and all necessary fittings.
I read that this takes alot of strain off the lifter pump in the VP44 and that makes it more responsive etc so I thought why not.
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Just wondering where to mount it... What do you guys recommend, In the photo where ive marked is where I want to put it, its on a Right angle bracket.
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The instructions for the pump say to not mount it more than 24 inches above the top of the fuel tank... So I'd say where I want to mount it is okay then?
Just kicking an old thread. Where did you get the carter 4600 from. They are well priced on tyre net and it would be perfect for my needs. Need to take strain of the factory lift pump which is gonna get a hard life with the 125l tank behind it.