help: d40 spanish 2012 built limp mode

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The common problem with the 2012 D40s was the EGR valve itself, but when replacing the valve, they also update the software. One person has reported (on this forum) that not replacing the valve but updating the software DOES fix the problem - it's just that BOTH tasks are done as part of the EGR valve replacement task (remember that Nissan dealer mechanics mostly follow a script for vehicle repairs).
Late model YD25 navaras DO have EGT sensors, and no D40s have EGR sensors. EGR valves fail but they dont have a seperate sensor. Believe
got the car yesterday, all fixed and good to go. sensor has been upgraded to new updated version. however i still smell weird bunning smell in the morning when cold.
Not sure if that's unburned diesel or not. as this is first diesel car i owned. and still makes faint siren noise from turbo (goes away after 5min driving) not sure if i should tell them this. is this normal?

Hey mate I've just purchased a new st. Very happy with it although I have also noticed that faint siren noise from the turbo. I've heard it's normal but not sure.

Not sure about the smell to cold in the morning to care. I'm guessing seen as lest 3 of us are hearing the faint noise coming from the turbo its normal.

As far as limp mode this going to sound silly but mine started doing it but never at Nissan, worked out it was because of the immobilizer. On my missus key she has a fob from anytime fitness it was sometimes interfering with the key talking to ecu. Yes sounds odd but its the only thing we could come up with took it off the keys and never had another problem. Good the know yours is all fixed now.

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