Hate my brand new D40ST Auto!!!!

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Jan 10, 2015
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Good Coast
Hi there everyone, I'm just new to the forum and don't mean to step on anyone's toes here but does anyone else hate their D40?

I've just bought a brand new 2014 ST Auto about a month and a half ago and absolutely hate its guts (nothing is wrong with it mechanically).

The reason I went with it in the first place was to save a few grand over other Utes such as the Isuzu, Holden and Mazda and then put some accessories on it with the money I save. While I was test driving Utes I had one for around two hours and thought it wasn't too bad for what I was planning. But now after getting to really know it, its just a piece of s@#& ute that I don't even want to put accessories on.

The reasons I hate it;
-The engine!!!! Little 2.5l thing that guzzles fuel if you don't drive it like a pussy and also can't stand the sound of it. Drive around a V8 landcruiser 200 series a fair bit and I give it the berrys 70% of the time, mixture of urban and highway, and on average returns around 12l/100km whereas the Nissan if I drive it the same I get around 15l/100km and that's with 55kw less and 200nm less. Also the engine is more keen on using its kW rather than torque which makes it rev like a Yamaha quad bike. Have driven it around as economically as possible on this last tank and not given it a squirt once, fuel is returning 10.2l. Know for a fact if I was in an isuzu it would be closer to 8.

-The feeling of that it's unreliable, it just doesn't feel tough mechanically wise compared to other Utes I know and have driven. I'm actually worried to take it 4x4ing!

-Its body, may as well be called a limo being that long and low.

-Really not a fan of the steering and how it handles like a truck when on the road and also not to mention it's turning circle is like manoeuvring a B-Double in a general store car park.

Would just like to know if anyone else dislikes their's as much as mine? Also not trying to offend anyone either, I respect that many of you won't have the same opinion as me!

Considering selling it so if you want a brand new navara with a couple of grand more in your pocket rather than a dealers then give me a PM.

Cheers, Jack!
Welcome to the Navara forum - while some of your concerns are probably based on reality this happens to be a Navara forum and most people here do like Navaras. Sounds like you haven't done enough research before signing on the dotted line. On the other hand I could be sceptical and say you sell isuzus for living ��
I like my Navara , it does everything I require efficiently and effortlessly. To be fair mine is a 550 and main reason for buying it was the drivetrain. Would not go for 2.5 personally. By far the best ute I owned ( had a few) . Any newer model should bring improvements to the market and D40 has been around for a while now.
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a bit harsh, but we are all entitled to our opinion. everything other than, maybe the average fuel consumption could have been discovered in your 2 hour test drive i think!
Fuel economy and performance should improve as the engine wears in as well, maybe take a used one with a few K's on it for a drive and see how it compares.
Ive also got the new ST Series 7 2.5L Auto.

Im opposite really, love how it handles, I dont drive it like a sports car cause it isnt one. I drive plenty of different utes at work and overall I like how the D40 Drives besides its boat of a turning ciricle. My biggest problem with the D40 is its ground clearance comparing to other utes BUT in saying the a set of bash plates is a good investment and I still get through most things. My enconmy is about 10.8L per 100KM or thereabouts with 32" Muddies which dont help. Also with aprox 300-400KG of extra weight in mods.
Unfortunately I think you got the wrong car for yourself. I like my D40 but it's not perfect and no car will be. Yes the ground clearance isn't so good and the turning circle is that of a cruise Linner but I think the ride and handling are quite good. If you have been driving around in a V8 Landcruiser then it's going to be hard to compare a 2.5 4cyl.
The reasons I hate it;
-The engine!!!! Little 2.5l thing that guzzles fuel if you don't drive it like a pussy and also can't stand the sound of it. Drive around a V8 landcruiser 200 series a fair bit and I give it the berrys 70% of the time, mixture of urban and highway, and on average returns around 12l/100km whereas the Nissan if I drive it the same I get around 15l/100km and that's with 55kw less and 200nm less. Also the engine is more keen on using its kW rather than torque which makes it rev like a Yamaha quad bike. Have driven it around as economically as possible on this last tank and not given it a squirt once, fuel is returning 10.2l. Know for a fact if I was in an isuzu it would be closer to 8.

-The feeling of that it's unreliable, it just doesn't feel tough mechanically wise compared to other Utes I know and have driven. I'm actually worried to take it 4x4ing!

-Its body, may as well be called a limo being that long and low.

-Really not a fan of the steering and how it handles like a truck when on the road and also not to mention it's turning circle is like manoeuvring a B-Double in a general store car park.

Would just like to know if anyone else dislikes their's as much as mine? Also not trying to offend anyone either, I respect that many of you won't have the same opinion as me!

Considering selling it so if you want a brand new navara with a couple of grand more in your pocket rather than a dealers then give me a PM.

Cheers, Jack!

Gday bud, sorry to hear you don't like your new purchase. I'll reply to your points in order:

- The comparison between a V8 Landcruiser and a YD25 Navara are totally different. Yes, the cruiser is better on fuel. It also doesn't take as many revs to get up to speed being an 8 cylinder, whereas a 2.5L TD doesn't have that advantage. I think it's a tad silly to say it's crap on fuel if you don't "drive it like a pussy". Most of us don't flog the guts out of our cars on a daily basis as there is no need. If you want to drive hard, i don't get why you purchased a heavy ute with a 2.5L engine?

Besides that, a Landcruiser is aimed at 4WDers, as a D40 Navara isn't. They were built aimed at tradesman etc. They weren't made to be driven hard. So that's your fault mate, should have considered that before buying a brand new car. Not to mention, you shouldn't be flogging a brand new engine, it's not even run in yet.

- I wouldn't be buying a brand spankin new Navara off the showroom floor then taking it 4WDing until the warranty ran out. I bought mine second hand off an elderly one owner (it's an 06) specifically for the reason i could take it offroad because it wasn't under new car warranty and if it got scratched, it wouldnt bother me as much as if it was a new car. Not to mention it was already run in, all recall items had been fixed etc etc.

- You don't like how long and low it is? Did you not look at it when you purchased it? :eek:S i can't see how it looked longer and lower AFTER you got it home? That's odd.

- Same as above, did you not realise when you test drove it how it handles, turns etc? When you test drive a car, these are a few of many things you need to test on it to see how you like it. That's why it's called a TEST drive. Just sayin'.

In summing up, my opinion, as members have stated above, you obviously haven't done your research before purchasing your Nav. It's pretty clear you haven't, as you compared it to a V8 Toyota Landcruiser. They are so completely different in so many ways, my brand new S5 mobile phone would blow up before i had finished listing all the differences. They are completely different vehicles made for completely different applicatons from factory. It's your choice what you use it for.

Me personally, i have owned an aftermarket supercharged Buick V6 VP Commodore, a stroked 1996 VS Senator, a VY SS ute with a mild street cam and a host of other goodies and a V6 Pathfinder, and my D40 Navara is still the best i have owned IMO. Mods are endless, it can go anywhere, in the 3 years i have owned it, not ONE SINGLE thing has gone wrong with it mechanically. Not even slightly.

But i did my thorough research before buying. That's my two cents. I just hope you didn't finance it mate, you won't get near what you paid for it.

Once again, sorry to hear you don't like your Nav. If you sell it for $35,000, fork out the extra $15,000 or thereabouts and buy a V8 Landcruiser or a a 4.2L Patrol.
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Will give you the ground clearance as that is my biggest bug bear... but a decent 2 inch lift and 32s will get your ramp over angle to a respectable 26-27 degrees. The rest is bollocks.
Perhaps you could trade it on a d22 lol:peace:

heayyyyy leave off the zd d22 pal ! ;)

I think someone summed it up perfectly "they are a tradies ute ! Or in my d22 single cab case "are nothing more than a farmers ute with a tractor motor" lol we do ask a lot from them huh

Try the Mitsubishi turning circle - my god an f'e 250 has a better one !
Lift kit and bigger boots on 16'' rims should improve your turning circle- ya' just drive over ***** :)

like my old man would say " do your home work and look into things" ! especialy if your parting with the hard earned..... no use crying now buddy !
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yep i looked for ages for my Ute and love it, test drove everything, ill admit ive had some problems but the same with all ly other cars, you really need to do ya research before you buy, once signed that's it.
Where do you live mate?
Anywhere near Canberra?
I'd love yo hear your thoughts on my truck.... Lol
Welcome to the forum.

There are a number of things that obviously displease you and some of those reasons are the very reasons why some of us love our utes.

1) I don't mind a 2.5L engine. It was the best I could get at the time, the V9X powerplant didn't come out until 2011 (and Nissan gave us one to drive at the 2011 Muster). Despite its comparative lack of power against a V8, it does suit my needs (personally). I could have asked for a C175-20 but I am a little more of a realist than that. I expect 4-cyl performance from a 4-cyl car, which means light on the fuel when I'm light, and really heavy when I push it hard. I tow heaps, so I sometimes do use a fair bit of fuel (around 18-19LPHK towing 2.5T).

2) Still on towing - it makes the car more stable if it's longer. The longer the vehicle, the worse its turning circle. It's a product of distance between the front and rear axles and the amount you can feasibly turn the front wheels without ripping out a CV. If you need a shorter wheelbase with a smaller turning circle, you compromise on cabin space, tub space ... let's look at that V8 again, and with 5 people and 500Kg of chicken manure on board, who's going to be more comfortable?

3) Sound can be changed, straight through exhausts change the note quite considerably but costs a considerable amount. You might consider one of these which will make it sound better (as far as you're concerned, and who the hell else matters anyway).

4) 4WDing - well, as said, it's a tradie's ute, but it DOES go off-road. Not too badly to be honest. I've torn both side steps off my car in the bush, and have numerous trophys (cough) bush pin stripes (cough) together with a couple of pairs of aftermarket-browned trousers to show for it. I've never had to be recovered on a track. Had to be recovered in a car park (short story: some idiot decided to park 30 cars - including us - on a sloping clay hill at a concert an hour before it rained). Mike does harder stuff than I do - by miles - he's a good man to listen to about 4WDing.

In all, I am still happy with mine 5 years and 170,000km later. It is a matter of horses for courses!

Should have got the V9X.....

A work college who got a V8 Cruiser 2 weeks before I got my D40 uses both his tanks (160L) to do 800km on the open road. He says my 550 goes way better.
V9X solves the power issue but wheelbase , ground clearance and turning circle remain. D40 is probably one of more road orientated Utes on the market - as my off road usage is less than 10% that suits me fine . If you are after more capable ute offroad there might be better options elsewhere .
V9X solves the power issue but wheelbase , ground clearance and turning circle remain. D40 is probably one of more road orientated Utes on the market - as my off road usage is less than 10% that suits me fine . If you are after more capable ute offroad there might be better options elsewhere .

Pretty much my sentiments. I think the on road manners are very good. Although I do have a modest lift and good shocks but you have to that to all the late model utes.

Be interesting to see how this thread turns out. You know, guy rolls up (first post), rolls a hand grenade thru the door and never heard of again! Been a few of them over the years.
Pretty much my sentiments. I think the on road manners are very good. Although I do have a modest lift and good shocks but you have to that to all the late model utes.

Be interesting to see how this thread turns out. You know, guy rolls up (first post), rolls a hand grenade thru the door and never heard of again! Been a few of them over the years.

I though they got banned - i'm up for my third time :sorry3: lol
Pretty much my sentiments. I think the on road manners are very good. Although I do have a modest lift and good shocks but you have to that to all the late model utes.

Be interesting to see how this thread turns out. You know, guy rolls up (first post), rolls a hand grenade thru the door and never heard of again! Been a few of them over the years.

all the hallmarks of another sh!t stirrer!
Actually come to think of it (read between the lines on the OP). Some things stand out, to many explanation marks and things like "Hate" not something like- not happy or any thing like that and this if from a bloke who has just forked out for a new vehicle. Hmmmm.

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