Just throwing up an idea,
maybe Dylan could have a members ship fee like the frontier forum has, its not compulsory, as far as i could work out there are four levels from the free to the so called "gold" membership level with bronze and silver in between. If you do pay for one of these memberships it entitles the member to certain things, like unique "smilies" and a little members badge to show the level of membership.
Maybe for the gold you can advertise your business and promote your items in threads.
IMO if companies like Monster Rides, Ironman even Zordo ect ect want to make money through the forum they should pay a membership fee all be it a relatively small, maybe $250 per year, as far as i can work out the forum gets more then 4000 visits per month so if people companies want a target audience then forums like this are a great start to spread the word, thats why we see such companies popping up on every forum. So why not chip in for the up keep of a site that will effectively earn them money.
I think more then a few members will happily pay a small fee if it gets them a sticker and maybe a fancy little feature for eg, maybe having more pics allowed in the garage or a gold member type logo on their user name, things like that anyway just to show the commitment and appreciation to the forum.
just throwing up some ideas, maybe a silly a suggestion.