Foaming at injector outlet

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Oct 24, 2019
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Hi I have a 06 non common rail diesel and having trouble with it it starts ok but when I take it for a drive and put the foot down it feels like it running out of fuel I lift the foot and it comes good CRACKED THE INJECTORS AND THEY ARE FOAMING AT THE INLET NEED URGENT HELP TO FIX IT
Sounds like it could be sucking air somewhere, maybe around the fuel filter, check around the primer too. The primer bulbs often deteriorate over time. If squeezing the bulb a few times results in wet fingers you know where the problem is!
Hi I have a 06 non common rail diesel and having trouble with it it starts ok but when I take it for a drive and put the foot down it feels like it running out of fuel I lift the foot and it comes good CRACKED THE INJECTORS AND THEY ARE FOAMING AT THE INLET NEED URGENT HELP TO FIX IT
Uggg nothing worse.. aerated fuel can be harsh on your injector pump.. I know the zd hates it, not sure about your model, but if your injector pump is like the dirty 30 , they suck the fuel from the pump.. unless yours has a pick up pump at the tank? Does it? If not, the air leak can be anywhere from the tank to the injector rail... now rails, I'm not familiar with!! Read the manual for the whyD 2.5..
I can suggest you slightly pressurise the tank and check and see if it holds pressure! You'd have to read the manual and block the breathers.. Even still, pressurise the tank and search the fuel lines from tank to injectors... is the primer holding pressure? Once primed it should only take a few pumps to come "up hard" to pressure... if it's not coming "up hard" you have an issue.. metal lines crack too, stones laying on fuel lines can catch you out too.. you won't notice the leak because,,,,, the fual is being sucked to the injector pump.. thats on the zd 30 though... pressurise the tank, you'll find it quick enough lol... the best thing and the first mod you should do on these navs is pressurise the fuel feed.. fit a pick up pump... fuel coolers are good for them too... good luck...

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