I don't have foglights but I do have a manual!
On page 36/116 of LT.PDF I found a description of the fuses/relays used for the fog lights.
In the fusible link box under the bonnet is a 50A fuse - the 4th one from the end that is closest to the edge of the box (which is the end furthest away from the large single block on one side). That's apparently where the main fog light power goes through.
Inside, there are 3 related fuses: the bottom one on the left, the third from bottom on the right, and the 6th from the top on the right. They are all 10A fuses.
There are three more fuses under the bonnet that might have something to do with it: in the IPDM box which is the large square box behind the battery, there are a bunch of similar fuses in a line down one side (ignore the ones in the middle). The fuse on the very bottom (closest to the edge) is related, so is the 4th from that edge, and the fifth as well. All are 20A fuses.
Good luck - hope that helped!