crap plastic interia

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Nov 8, 2010
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hi all, whats the go with the go with the ****** plastic used in the interia of my 2010 nissan stx extra cab, you only have to look at it and it marks, finger nail will mark it, where my seat belt retracts it pitted and looks as if the car is 10 years old, i like to keep it tidy you spend $40,000 plus on the vehicle and have to put up with this ******** has anyone else had this prob is there any solution cheers riddo:devil:
hi all, whats the go with the go with the ****** plastic used in the interia of my 2010 nissan stx extra cab, you only have to look at it and it marks, finger nail will mark it, where my seat belt retracts it pitted and looks as if the car is 10 years old, i like to keep it tidy you spend $40,000 plus on the vehicle and have to put up with this ******** has anyone else had this prob is there any solution cheers riddo:devil:

Yep mines the same, here's a few more things that will give you the *****,

No adjustment on the doors what so ever, When they start to rattle you'll know what I mean, and they will rattle!

Airfilter is useless, normal road grime goes straight through it. You can get a Unifilter now, too late for my engine as its ingested half the Great Sandy Desert.

Can't fit cabin A/C filters, not a big deal if you never plan going offroad. I had to strip out my dash to remove the dust from the A/C vents.

Do you have an auto of manual?
Depends on how bad your plastic is some if not all of it will be replaceable under warranty. Steering wheels in about the 08-09 models are something Nissan will replace, the surrounds around the window controls are also something they will replace. If your local dealer doesn't offer to fix them then go to another.

As far as the rest of the plastic I really can't say I've had any issues and it's no worse than any other car I have had. The problem as far as I am aware was with a batch on plastics where the paint coating was not sufficient but how that fits with your seat belt I have no idea because I haven't seen the issue.

None the less welcome to the forums there is heaps of information here and there is no reason why your purchase has to be a bad experience for you even if it hasn't got off to the best start.
thanks krafty, ill see how it goes, at the moment im using armoral, maybe there is a better product to put on the trim cheers riddo
I have always found that Armourall and the like just add a greasy film, it might well protect the plastic a bit but it also attracts dust. I suppose it depends just how bad you think the plastic is, I'm prepared for a few scratches and stuff on the dash and the door panels etc (can't say I've really looked at the seat belt) it's just part of general wear and tear. I was even prepared to live with the paint issue on the steering wheel until Nissan did a bonnet recall and I got them to fix both issues. I can't say I even notice any other scratches but some people look a lot more closely for problems like that than I do.

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