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Oct 23, 2010
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I'm in the process or ordering my new RX but have been told that there are no stocks of Desert Sand in Australia and it could take 3-4 months from the factory. Does this sound reasonable or are they just trying to get rid of the "Silver one sitting there already kitted out and I could have this one in a couple of days"? I don't want silver btw, my wife has a silver car and we've been looking at it for about 10 years.

sounds perfectly reasonable to me, but then, I always pick which ever colour the dealer has sitting ready for me to drive away in, cause I can never wait that long for a car :D

I know with Mitsubishi if I wanted to get the rear diff locker (factory option) that it was a 3 month lead time to get it.
Thanks for the quick response UncySpam. I guess I'm just a cynic when it comes to car salesmen. To be honest I don't know if I could wait for 2 weeks to get a new car. I'll see what timeframe the Slate Grey has on it.

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Last year when I brought mine the wait was 2 months minimum like it or lump it, most Vic dealers didn't even have demos to get rid of.

The thing about colour selection is that the dealer does want to get rid of the yard stock as soon as possible because it's costing him money sitting there, however he should be able to ring around and trade his car with another dealers car in your chosen colour if he wants to but he doesn't have too.

There is always the chance no other dealers have your colour either however if there another dealer has one on a ship headed this way that too can once again be traded to your dealer but it doesn't have to be.

On the off chance that your colour isn't on a ship and isn't in any yards then yes the wait could easily be 3 months.
Thanks for the quick response UncySpam. I guess I'm just a cynic when it comes to car salesmen. To be honest I don't know if I could wait for 2 weeks to get a new car. I'll see what timeframe the Slate Grey has on it.


Be the most cynical bastard you can be. At the end of the day the salesman's job is to sell you a car at the highest possible price he can. He will bend the truth when he thinks your not falling for his stories and he will downright bullshit just to get you to sign on the line.

Selling anything to anyone is a game of psychology these days and that's what the salesman is trained to do, in this day and age simply selling ice to an eskimo is no good a good salesman will also sell the eskimo the fridge and charge for the power to run it.

If the salesman can't read what you are thinking he's lost a sale, if he can't steer a conversation the way he wants it he's lost a sale. As the buyer you need to be aware of such tactics, you'll never outsmart the a good salesman but that doesn't mean you can't play the same game.
but that doesn't mean you can't play the same game.

I'm really bad at all that stuff. My main tactics is the note pad and questions, then go home and think about it.

My final straw was a print out from of one at the price I thought reasonable. Since I'm in SW Sydney, it was a credible threat aka that I would drive over there to buy it. In the end I think they gained $400 extra (like I really care that that car didn't have a CD stacker).

i figure it was worth it as the xtrail they let the missus drive had a very snappy clutch and that ended her championing of buying an xtrail.
The bottom line is that the dealer wants to sell you a car, he doesn't want to see you walk out the door. So once you have all the information you think you can handle, go home and think about that and any other possible things that might come up then go back to the dealer with your list. Write the list down it doesn't matter but sit the guy down and give him your list of demands or ad ons and see what he says.

His first line will usually be "Wow you have thought this out" which then goes to "lets see what we can do" as he gets out his price book. With book in hand he will go through the prices your demands will add, he may even show you his prices so that he can convince you that he's doing everything on the very bottom dollar.

Once it's all added up he will give you a price which you naturally looked shocked at, then he will come up with a new price, he might do this several times dropping the price and talking to the dealer principle. After a little while he will give you a price and say "this is the best I can do, the boss is not going to like it but I can see you are serious and I want to see you drive away in a new car."

At this point if you are happy you sign the deal, however if you aren't happy and you think you deserve more you thank the guy for his time and walk straight for the door. Once the guy sees your back heading away from him he knows he's lost the sale so if you make it to the door without him calling you back, he's not prepared to go any better. The second he calls you back the ball is back in your court and he's bargaining again, you might not get everything you want which is where compromise comes in but you will soon find out if your deal is unreasonable.

If you don't get called back find another dealer and reassess your ideas. it's obviously not worth going to 20 dealers but you'll be suprised how much difference you can make going to 3 or 4 with the right information. It's also not a bad idea to make your first dealer one that you might not wish to deal with and use him as a test case to see how silly your demands are rather than annoy the guy you want to deal with with the trivial arguments because you can always take even the best quote from one dealer to another dealer and ask them to beat it.

Also remember that the new car salesman doesn't give a rats what the ad on parts cost they don't come out of his budget, sure he has to account for them in the cost of the car but the mark up has already covered that anyway so all he cares about is selling you a car with or without ad ons but the ad ons are where you bargaining power is.

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