Catch can filling (too?) quick

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Aug 8, 2021
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Greetings brains trust. I spent the last year living in the snowy mountains doing short trips to and from work, so my catch can was filling fairly quickly but I wasn't too worried about it. Now I'm back in Sydney doing ~45 minutes of free way driving too and from work and it still dumps a lot in the can, I accidently left the stop cock open today after draining it and after my drive home it left a decent puddle on the driveway. Oil level hasn't dropped much, if anything it looks high(?) but it's done that too me before and then the level seems to be good when I check it at another time, it's hard to get the car level as it's got pre-tensioned springs in the back. Any ideas what can cause this? Turbo is only just over a year old and it ocassionally makes a housing noise on a cold start, dunno if that is related at all, my knowledge is limited to guessing which nuts and bolts to undo and praying to the mechanic gods for success.
If the oil level is high, it will be more likely to turn to vapour while the engine is running. Before doing anything else, I'd get that oil level down to within the range (not close to the upper mark, perhaps a little above the lower mark) and see how it goes.
Okay I'll do that on the weekend. I don't think it is too high, but if it's a little over and the can is catching all the excess it's not doing much harm is it?

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