bullbar nazis

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You know I'm taking the piss out of you Krafty,lmao and if people are PM ing you abusive language thats not on either fella's.Everyone must remember you can't hear what tone people are typing in,what someone types and is thinking may be taken differently by the reader especially if there are no quotes or exclaimation marks and as far as friendly and cheerful you havn't met me yet I'm a prick.lol
Scotty the messages were via email not PM which just goes to show how silly the two people were given that even a gmail account is traceable back to a street address in almost no time, especially when they use the email form from my own website to do it.

I totally agree that people can't hear tone in words on a screen, which is partly why I take the stance I do with what may and may not offend but in general offense in not meant unless it's entirely obvious (which is hard on a family friendly forum with no naughty words) but we are probably all guilty of it from time to time.

This isn't the first time such things have happened on this forum, some abuse is par for the course for a shit stirrer and an easy to find email address but the last lot of emails from something which I didn't consider my most offensive work was a bit over the top. I have no intention of naming those involved because I don't wish to play their petty games in public but for those of you easily offended or threatened if someone finds out your email address be aware that while the majority of people here are good people (helpful or pisstakers) there are a select few who don't play the same game.
If the anti bullbar people are serious, maybe they should retrieve and publish the data concerned with how many of the pedestrians struck by vehicles were actually jay walking.

Pedestrians don't expect to be hit by a vehicle while they walk along a footpath, so why should we as drivers expect to be hit by a pedestrian as we use the road/street that we have paid for via our vehicle registration.

And don't even start me on the lycra loonies who use both the footpath and the road with out any regard to road rules or basic etiquette, and then go on current affair programs and complain because some one wiped the road with them.
It's amazing how hard it can be to dislodge a few lengths of chrome moly out from under your vehicle.
Robert: I am happy to stand corrected about you not being in a blow in, I still maintain the search function is there and should be used and was simply pointing out that exact thought in the same way so may others have done it previously, but obviously different peoples moods at different times dictate how offended they get by others doing the same things they do.

Scotty as for the hook line and sinker comment, my inbox says different 3 emails before your post and 4 emails since I logged off last night all with abusive language and incorrect facts based around this thread tell me that obviously not every one here is as friendly and cheerful as you might be.

hey mate sorry to hear that some people had a go through emails i didnt take any offence to what you said myself and have taken it on board about the search function

cheers robert
And don't even start me on the lycra loonies who use both the footpath and the road with out any regard to road rules or basic etiquette, and then go on current affair programs and complain because some one wiped the road with them.
It's amazing how hard it can be to dislodge a few lengths of chrome moly out from under your vehicle.

Mate come to stinkin shithole ballarat they had bike racing all weekend . Even off the course the dicks were running red lights, and riding like they own the road
KraftyPg;73010 my inbox says different 3 emails before your post and 4 emails since I logged off last night all with abusive language and incorrect facts based around this thread tell me that obviously not every one here is as friendly and cheerful as you might be.[/QUOTE said:
As I,m a 'regular', in future i'll be hesitant in directing any posters to the ''search feature'' for fear of being labeled "helpful" and being inundated with colourfull emails and posts.

to the phantom emailers:flowers:


don't apologise to Krafty he deserves it.

You're the bloody reason I can't go on any VNOG drives, you're harsh mouth and evil tone scares me into staying 20ks from you at all times. That and I was told you can't get a D40 dirty or it falls apart.
You're the bloody reason I can't go on any VNOG drives, you're harsh mouth and evil tone scares me into staying 20ks from you at all times. That and I was told you can't get a D40 dirty or it falls apart.

Yes Krafty I am the :devil: so look out.lol. I will be sure to let you know on the next trip weather or not I'm going so you can go and get yours dirty ok.
Woody will look after you mate and if you get it dirty Woody might even help you :wash_truck: it.If we meet up I will give you a kiss and hug.
I come in peace and there is no need to :fight: princess.:flowers:.
No dirt on mine, it will fall apart.

Woody can't look after me, he has enough to tend to with bits falling off his own vehicle, as for the hug and kiss, that all depends on those wandering hands of yours.

And I have to agree with the graphic, there is no need to get your sword out, this is a family friendly forum, although a vase for the flowers would be good.

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