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Jan 25, 2013
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Hi there Jose here i am new to the site, but i want your thoughts if i paid to much for a brand new 2012 d22 white dual cab and the extra on it is the protection package which inculde paint, interior and tinited window , tow bar and elctric rust profing and spray on tub liner. I got all that for $27,895. that includes with a trade in.
Hi there Jose here i am new to the site, but i want your thoughts if i paid to much for a brand new 2012 d22 white dual cab and the extra on it is the protection package which inculde paint, interior and tinited window , tow bar and elctric rust profing and spray on tub liner. I got all that for $27,895. that includes with a trade in.

Hey mate welcome to the forum! Well that sounds pretty good to me mate a forbie under 30k new is always good and it's not a Great Wall either lol congrats on the purchase hope you enjoy it!
ring and cancel the rust proofing and paint/interior protection, waste of money and the dealer knows it, they just do it to make back a significant profit that they lost in the bargaining process.

I have bought 2 new cars and owned 3 used cars and can tell you now its all a crock of shit, paint protection is just glorified wax (had it on one of those new cars) and the electronic rust protection didn't do a thing to stop rust forming in the tub... biggest waste of $2500 for something that didn't deliver.

p.s whats your trade in? nissan was/is selling STR's for about $27888 last I checked so like IMO you should of been able to get very close to that without the crappy protection packs they sell.
At the end of the day the price makes no difference, if you're happy with the car and it's bits that is all the matters. Better not to worry about what you have paid because if by chance someone says you could have done better you may think less of the car.

Be happy with the deal and forget about it.

And welcome to the forums.
let my give you good advice the runout price on d22 nissan makes about $2000 profit per dealership the more they sell the lower their wholesale price and a bonus to top salesperson like 180 said all that protection stuff is bullcrap to make the profit margin better,they have not done a recall on smokey 2.5 d22 because most don't complain and when you do it's like blood out of a stone at the end of the day the more they sell the better the qlder pack was another ploy at to make it sound better you spend all your days off with wty probs the car is full of faults like many it's gutless suspension sags body mounts fail fan resistor goes but after you get all this done and set it up correctly you have a good setup just be aware if anything breaks off road nissan won't pay,do they know what they talk about i think no my mother in her mid 70s has a murano the back door stopped lifting they spent 2 days pulled apart the drive motor and told her to get a hire car they were unsure how too fix it solution ?the battery was on the way out could not provide enough amps too power the rear door a simple test with a $8 multimeter confirmed this Well done again well known north brisbane dealer
And let me give you some.

Punctuation, capital letters and paragraphs make things a lot easier to read and leave less chance of people actually skipping over your good advice.

I think i read the first line and that's was enough to have me skipping over that one monster paragraph.

The price on the D22 sounds good to me, and dealerships give you bugger all for a trade in. But it saves all the stuffing around of private sale etc, and if you are happy with your new vehicle as stated above, then that's the main thing. End of the day, that's a pretty good price for a brand new D22 with a few bits.

And yes, rust proofing etc is a complete load of crap.
Huh? That makes no sense, what are you trying to say Cobez?

I stopped reading after "I think" :ha:
Last reply from me.Yes i do have a minor problem with my wording ect not that you are to know Krafty i am lucky to be here at all.
The point is i don't sit here all day giving out advice that we all know.

I got on this site to give fellow users my advise about my d22 2.5 upgrades.

All i have received is abuse via pm 152 hp is not possible,the dyno is not correct now you complain about my post i have had enough.
We are all here to help each other you as a top poster must sit there all day looking for new threads and commenting get a real life try facebook
let the world know.
Last reply from me.

No need for it to be the last reply that's what forums are about and do you know the best bit? No matter how many offer advice no one has to take any notice of any of it.

I got on this site to give fellow users my advise about my d22 2.5 upgrades.

And I doubt anyone is stopping you doing that but seriously at some point somewhere when you offer advice be it verbal or written on a forum someone is going to disagree with you, someone is going to agree with you and someone is going to offer advice, getting offended by such things usually only upsets one person.

All i have received is abuse via pm 152 hp is not possible,the dyno is not correct now you complain about my post i have had enough.
We are all here to help each other you as a top poster must sit there all day looking for new threads and commenting get a real life try facebook
let the world know.

I have no idea bout the 152hp, your pms or what you are talking about, to be honest these are the first posts of yours I remember seeing and if you don't see me suggesting that making your posts easier to read is a worthwhile suggestion then fine as I said only one person is going to be upset.

Are you really "happy john"?
Krafty, I don't think you are going to be getting a Christmas card from John this year.
I've got 11 months to make it up and get back on that list!

I just wont suggest he make his posts readable any more and I'm straight back to the top of that list because there's too many people that have an issue with the number of horses he's got.
it was a flywheel estimation given to him by the dyno operator, basically about as practical as any flywheel power output quoted figure though, I discussed it with him via PM, think he ended up saying it was about 110 HP at the rear wheels which is still pretty good from a 2.5 in D22.
Why buy a new nav d22 just to mod it etc to wring more out of its engine? Why not just buy a petrol or a more powerful car? I like how its less powerful if i wanted more power i would have spent more on a car designed by professionals that goes harder. My humble thoughts anyway. Does anyone else agree with me here?
Everyone's different and everyone has different ideas about what they need which leads them to changing their cars they way they want them. Extra power wasn't something I was after so I've never chased it but it doesn't make what others do wrong.

Just gotta be careful offering advice about what you've found because apparently not everyone accepts it :sarcastic:

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