Bludging Stealing Bastards

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our security guard
she would lick you to death during the day when we are around, but is quite "protective "of her backyard


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Nice dog Sparra!

I've had Pits/Bullies/Staffies since 1979. They don't have to really do anything, just being there seems to be enough.

Although........... one time, in a previous life, I was sleeping after a nightshift & was woken by a commotion. Nothing seemed to happen after I woke, so I went back to sleep. When I woke up a few hours later there was blood everywhere in the backyard, on the patio & down the path to the rear fence. I had 2 pits at the time & thought they'd had a fight or something. Checked them out, nope, no injuries! Looked for a dead cat, then realised way too much blood for a dead cat! Whoever he was they nailed him good! Seems he jumped the back fence to get away. I was worried, thinking because they're pits we're in deep doo doo. Then my wife says "who's he going to tell? He was trying to break in!" We never heard boo!

These 2 were not aggressive dogs normally, but they must have known he was not a nice guy or something?
Holy crap, definitely sucks. But how can you not afford insurance? If you've got home insurance, contents only cost an extra 40 bucks or so a month.

I hate insurance as much as the next guy, it's a waste of cash until you need it. And I've needed it enough times to be really appreciative that I had it as an option.
Pitties are the best dogs in the universe. They've just got a bad name because of the dead-beat, smack-head owners. (not you^)
Im thinking of getting another Dobie, my good ol girl died recently at 13, she was awesome, friendly, but no way you're getting in if im not there. Still have her buddy, a kelpie/am-staff cross, she's f-ing useless, but to her credit always lets me know when someone's there.
Saw quite an effective method of stopping theiving bastards in their tracks on Boardwalk Empire involving a length of string, pivot point, the inside door handle of the door they will enter from and a well secured loaded shotgun... Pitty law folk frown upon it.

Feel for ya, sucks when human filth take your hard earned
I've been thinking of setting up a Fire Extinguisher with something that will irritate the eyes/skin and include some dies to colour their day.
Bax84 - i dont own the house im renting it, plus add 2x car insurance, 3x private health, 2x pet insurnace, rent fuel and food, your really not left with much these days.
04HUG - i like that idea, but a small mix of flammable liquid and a ignition system would be nicer or as Tont just posted a big can of Liquid A$#
I think you want some of this.

ba ha ha ha:rofl:

couldn't help my self
I bought some (ebay)I have a little job where this will come in real handy
but I have to ask tony
what.... were you searching for when you stumbled across this??:dontknow:
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Old.Tony, I did not actually mention the nose. However, one of the Fire Fighting Foam agents available is known as FFFP, this is an organic based product. It is 100% biodegradable in less than 3 weeks. If you get it on your lips/mouth it will make you want to vomit. The MSDS says it has a "distinctive organic smell", I describe the smell as the worst rotten dead road kill you can imagine.
Bax84 - 2x car insurance, 3x private health, 2x pet insurnace, rent fuel and food, your really not left with much these days. A$#

Ya I often wonder where to stop too. we have 2x car insurance, 2x trailer insurance , public liability for work, 2x health insurance , house insurance, contents insurance, tools of trade insurance, 2x life insurance,personal accident insurance.
Add that on top of your house repayments and power/water/rates/gas bills etc, you pretty much work just to pay bills!
Ya I often wonder where to stop too. we have 2x car insurance, 2x trailer insurance , public liability for work, 2x health insurance , house insurance, contents insurance, tools of trade insurance, 2x life insurance,personal accident insurance.
Add that on top of your house repayments and power/water/rates/gas bills etc, you pretty much work just to pay bills!

Oh i agree completly, problem is if you dont stop you end up like me with no tools, cant even change my oil at the moment.

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