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G'day Trendsetter's,

I have a friend who works for NSW Parks and wildlife service, he has taken me out on several occasions to show me the damaged being done in my local area (Coffs Harbour region.)The sad part is that the majority of the farking scrotes are hoon tourists from either Brisbane or Sydney.

The worse time for damage is just after it rains. The farking scum-bags with there 35/37 inch tyres like chewing up the mud on the numerous fire-trails. This then makes the tracks extremely rutted for the convectional 4x4 emergency service vehicles to tackle any bush-fire or accidents with standard suspension set-ups.

Some of the 4x4 action DVD's do not help, when you see Roothy and his mates driving up creek beds and tearing up paddocks in the wet. Their actions are sending the wrong message to all the knuckle dragging neanderthal Dick-brains out-there that watch them.

I find it fascinating that Roothy on the one hand is complaining about Australia being locked up by the Government and yet at the same time he acts recklessly himself.

Don't get me wrong, i have met and spoken to John Rooth on several occasions and he comes across as a great Aussie bloke, passionate about his 4x4's and traveling. He needs to be telling his listeners out there not to fark the tracks and camp-ground areas. As usual, it is the small minority that farks it for the over all majority!


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Hey i have a twist on this one... I have herd of greenies goind in to areas and cutting down insignificant trees and leaving a mess then contacting authorities and requesting they take action and close the area to protect it. it seems the sneaky bastards are among us...
Thye needed permits so it shouldn't be too hard to track the idiots down. but the damage has already been done, I just don't understand the mentalityof some people.
Some of the 4x4 action DVD's do help, when you see Roothy and his mates driving up creek beds and tearing up paddocks in the wet. Their actions are sending the wrong message to all the knuckle dragging neanderthal Dick-brains out-there.


I have to agree. I have seen two DVD's in particular that were ordinary displays - one involved driving a creek in the Vic High Country - coming across fallen trees so the vehicle climbed/dug/chewed it's way up and over the creek wall - instead of doing a u-turn and going out the way they came. They should not have been in the creek for starters and the main road is about 5 metres from the creek wall.
The other showed the group next to a well known billabong clearly on the wrong side of the bollards.

A recent display by motorbike riders in Deep Creek number one, near Walhalla, has authorities threatening to close the track.

Having said that - like everything in life - the farkwits will always ruin it for the majority - whether it be access for camping, hunting or a place to take your dog. Rules are made to cater for the lowest form and therefore those who do the right thing are forced to suffer.

Dob in a hoon and get rid of the arseholes.
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Hey i have a twist on this one... I have herd of greenies goind in to areas and cutting down insignificant trees and leaving a mess then contacting authorities and requesting they take action and close the area to protect it. it seems the sneaky bastards are among us...

That I very much doubt -- they enjoy access to these areas as much as anyone. But if caught in the act -- then string 'em up along with the Neanderthals that did this last lot of damage (& take away their 'greenie' accreditation -- they're obviously not very green).
The worse time for damage is just after it rains.

Yep -- I used to live in the Riverland (SA) for a bit & after every rain the wankers would come out and play in the mud with the effect of cutting up & closing down tracks. Most are in the National/ Conservation Parks, which is bad enough, but others are PAR tracks through large private lands (Coach track Chowilla etc). Chowilla has gates that are shut when the tracks are declared shut -- but the wankers usually get in there before they're shut!

To make this worse -- Loveday 4x4 park is just up the road. Sure it costs to get in, but you're free to do what you feel like -- and you're supporting a local business.
Come on guys you cant honestly blame 4x4 action and ol TOOTHY for the dickheads out there that are so self obsessed they want and need to do stupid shit.... regardless of a few magazine pics and videos these fools will sadly always be around.
Come on guys you cant honestly blame 4x4 action and ol TOOTHY for the dickheads out there that are so self obsessed they want and need to do stupid shit.... regardless of a few magazine pics and videos these fools will sadly always be around.

Not blaming them. just stating some facts and an opinion. Better promotion of responsible 4x4ing would be a good start though. Having said that they have produced some good DVD's - but like bad 4by drivers - people often remember the bad.

As you quite rightly say - these fools will sadly always be around.
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i do see what you are saying and good promotion will never hurt thats for sure, BUT in the article that was attached at the top of this page it says that they left rubbish, nocked down paper barks and burnt them as well as damaging fencing, This is the sort of behaviour that really gets up everyone goat and pisses them and us right off
The driving on closed tracks and driving above the high tide mark is also NO GOOD and that sort of thing i have seen and heard the guys from the mag clearly discourage people from doing, not to mention the little things like reminding people to take their own rubbish.
On their facebook page the other day they were asking people to pick up rubbish if they see it and asking how many of us do that sort of thing when we are out on the tracks.
So they do try and put out sensible statements.
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I usually come home with a tub full of some other dirty pricks rubbish - but it aint hard to take out your own rubbish. I've even had to bury other peoples toilet tickets - wtf are people like that in the bush for? Pisses me to no end the way some people find the need to go to beautiful places then trash them
i do see what you are saying and good promotion will never hurt thats for sure, BUT in the article that was attached at the top of this page it says that they left rubbish, nocked down paper barks and burnt them as well as damaging fencing, This is the sort of behaviour that really gets up everyone goat and pisses them and us right off
The driving on closed tracks and driving above the high tide mark is also NO GOOD and that sort of thing i have seen and heard the guys from the mag clearly discourage people from doing, not to mention the little things like reminding people to take their own rubbish.
On their facebook page the other day they were asking people to pick up rubbish if they see it and asking how many of us do that sort of thing when we are out on the tracks.
So they do try and put out sensible statements.

Noted, understood and accepted. Main point - most of us are on the same page when it comes to doing the right thing! Not wanting to detract from nakedape's original post - it ain't 4WD Action that need a bollocking -it's the arseholes we all seem to hate.

As I said in my first - dob in a hoon!
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it's the arseholes we all seem to hate.

see these outa town pricks every weekend comming outa Dissa total soaked in mud..GRRRR
I normally go in after 5pm and FMD they destroy every patch of virgin ground, not to mention the tracks they leave unpassable after they've had their play.

see these outa town pricks every weekend comming outa Dissa total soaked in mud..GRRRR
I normally go in after 5pm and FMD they destroy every patch of virgin ground, not to mention the tracks they leave unpassable after they've had their play.


Well stated Krankin!


The Abc is a ALP propoganda channel these days, Labor and the Greens probably wanna lock up more forests.

So you've been suckered into believing that too hey, been spending too much time reading Murdhack press? Oh well!
Labor and the Greens probably wanna lock up more forests.

while that could be tru....these morons are just making it easier for the gubmint to lockout only have to take a drive thru Dissa, (and you dont have to go off the main roads) to see the damage these ****tards do, I've caught em many a times doin donuts on the side of the main tracks totally destroying the place, braking down track closures/gates, making new tracks, digging up old fire tracks.....
and then the pricks who shootup the joint, dropping trees, leaving 100's of empty cases all over the joint, illegal night spotlighting and even shooting up logging machinery??????
Dissa is not the same place it was 20 years ago:tazzy::tazzy::tazzy:
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Is Murdoch wrong about this halfwit ?

Things couldn't be better, even though interest rates are dropping, retail is screwed etc.

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