mettams mufflers - 9275 7034
2.5 1200 (dump, cat/muffler included)
3 1400 (dump, cat/muffler included)
dump 300-400
friendly service
genie exhaust - 9330 6900
2.5 1000 (dump, muffler, cat (wont sell without cat), fitted)
3 not recommended, too big
friendly girl, knew her stuff, then talked to a mechanic, fairly informative
exhaust world - 9228 3244
2.5 950 (dump, no cat, no muffler)
3 not recommended (states tests have shown they don't do well at high revs .eg gutless due to no backpressure?
dump ?
very friendly, seems pretty knowledgeable
ian diffen tyre factory - 9344 3419
2.5 900 (dump, muffler)
3 none - not recommended as supposedly the engine doesn't make enough power so fuel consumption would go backwards?
dump -
called supplier over east and then called back a few minutes later, very friendly, hasnt put a kit on this car before to not entirely sure the suppliers kit would fit up
melville muffler and brake - 9330 1511
2.5 950 (cat, sports muffler, mandrel bent, all fitted)
3 not recommended - too big (says he's seen the 2.5 systems work better than the 3 inch systems over the years)
dump 250 (custom made)
very friendly, pretty knowledgeable
custom exhaust specialists - 9446 9613
2.5 (dump, flexi join, removable cat/dyno pipe)
friendly service, seemed fairly knowledgeable and offered many options, told to call me back at 4pm when confirmed
willeton exhaust - 9354 5004
2.5 1100 (dump, cat, flex, mandrel bent)
3 not recommended
fairly informative, friendly
classic and custom exhaust and towbars - 9495 4544
2.5 (no kits available from supplier, but possible to build a custom from dump pipe for roughly 550, unable to quote for from turbo back)
called up supplier, called me back a few minutes later, fairly friendly
muffler magic exhaust centre - 9331 3254
2.5 1800 (sports system?) (more for a custom system)
dump 400
friendly, fairly informative
autotainment by brian wallis - 9470 4233
2.5 350-500 (no cat, dump, 1 resonator, press bend (not mandrel)
3 unsure
exhaust guy wasn't in shop, told to call 15min later, unsure, would need to see the car first to get a PROPER quote
cannington performance exhaust and brakes - 9451 1334
2.5 1450 (no cat, muffler)
dump no price, kit only
friendly, informative
sound exhaust and towbars - 9524 6622
2.5 880 (dont sell the 2.5 inch, but will do a 3 inch dump and then bolt a 2.5 pipe to it)
3 1100 (dump, muffler, flexi)
dump 350 (3 inch, no 2.5)
very friendly, quick
the exhaust centre - 9274 8111
2.5 1250 (dump, no cat)
3 not recommended, say its too big
dump 440 (2.5 inch)
friendly, fairly informative, quick
aaa cannington mufflers - 9451 1444
answered phone while selling to a client in shop, made me hold, turns out yellow pages have the wrong ad, they are a wrecker!
andys exhaust werx - 9361 0144
2.5 1100 (dump, no cat, muffler)
3 not recommended, too big
dump 500
no answer? try again in 10min, finally answered
armadale exhaust - 9495 2544
very loud, lol, friendly, called around to suppliers for quotes, has been 30min and no call back?
australian performance centre city - 9228 1400
2.5 mild steel 980 (custom built, dump, no cat, 2 resonators)
3 not recommended, too big
dump 320
chucked me on hold for 7min then it disconnected, not happy. trying again later, finally got an answer, friendly service, fairly informative
midland exhaust centre - 9274 5066
said he would call back in 5-10min, getting quotes from supplier as none in shop, been 20min with no call back?