Aldi 150ltr compressor

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Unfortunately for some that policy is changing. I've never had an issue with the stuff I've got from them but it's becoming more widely reported these days that stores are requiring people wanting things returned sent directly to the supplier not handled at store level. It doesn't happen at my local yet but word is that changes are afoot. .

That's what's happening in ballarat,
It's not really surprising, I was reading a forum a few weeks back where nearly 10 people all said they took electronic items back to Aldi because they were faulty but rather than wait 5 minutes to talk to the manager and fill out paperwork to say what was wrong with the item they return it saying it didn't suit them and the faulty goods go back into stock for some other unsuspecting person to buy. The same people are the ones bitching about having to contact the supplier for warranty repairs or issues.
My old Dr Air called for the doctor and curled up its toes last week so I went down to Aldibfor a look-see.
Big buggers aren't they?
Came home with one, and a jerrycan, and a ....
Anyway, now need to figure out where it will live, can't see it staying in that huge carry case .
Thinking I might hard mount it on top of the drawers next to the lift up side window and hardwire to the third battery for the fridge...
Thoughts on placement? No room behind the seat, got crap in there already
It's not really surprising, I was reading a forum a few weeks back where nearly 10 people all said they took electronic items back to Aldi because they were faulty but rather than wait 5 minutes to talk to the manager and fill out paperwork to say what was wrong with the item they return it saying it didn't suit them and the faulty goods go back into stock for some other unsuspecting person to buy. The same people are the ones bitching about having to contact the supplier for warranty repairs or issues.

Some people are ignorant pricks,
My old Dr Air called for the doctor and curled up its toes last week so I went down to Aldibfor a look-see.
Big buggers aren't they?
Came home with one, and a jerrycan, and a ....
Anyway, now need to figure out where it will live, can't see it staying in that huge carry case .
Thinking I might hard mount it on top of the drawers next to the lift up side window and hardwire to the third battery for the fridge...
Thoughts on placement? No room behind the seat, got crap in there already

Mine lives beside drawers,behind wheel arch
It didnt come in a plastic case,just a bag
Mine lives beside drawers,behind wheel arch
It didnt come in a plastic case,just a bag

Hmmm, got the third battery box there. Figured up in the back corner out of the way, and just open the window for access. Keep the recovery bag up there now with all the straps and shackles so it can all be grabbed out the window when needed.
You know, that spot up the back that is great until you can't reach it from the tailgate without bloody climbing over all The other crap you packed :pissedoff:
Hmmm, got the third battery box there. Figured up in the back corner out of the way, and just open the window for access. Keep the recovery bag up there now with all the straps and shackles so it can all be grabbed out the window when needed.
You know, that spot up the back that is great until you can't reach it from the tailgate without bloody climbing over all The other crap you packed :pissedoff:

My 3rd battery is on other side behind other wheel arch
My son comes in handy for getting all the stuff up the front i cant reach
It's not really funny and you'd be rightly pissed if it happened to you, but another prefect example as to why Aldi's returns policies are changing.

A guy on the radio this morning paid $170 for a drill from a Melbourne Aldi's store only to get it home and find out someone had resealed the box and placed 2 bricks in it. One would think the store should have checked the product before restocking it but the arsehole willing to pull such a stunt should also get a kick in the arse even if he does think he's clever.
Surely they would have his mug on camera
That's fraud,throw the book(and the bricks)at him
According to the bloke he did get his money back but they had to rely on the shopping center cameras. I would have thought Aldi's could identify the bloke who did it but the guy who got his money back didn't say what if anything else Aldi's have done.

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