When ever I go into the Nissan dealer ship here , I hear people complaining , and the service people laughing at them . Most people believe the rubbish that they spout and Nissan and their dealers love the fact that they do , then they dont have to act or spend any money to fix the said problem .
Based on expirience , Nissan has a huge number of excuses to fit , what ever the problem is .
Only talk to the service manager make his life hell , tell the retoric sprouting monkeys behind the desk to explain excatly what you want done , have knowledge on the subject and they don't have any way they can lie blatently to you. Read the interweb for knowledge and soon after an hour I reckon you will have more nouse than the service people and most of the mechanics , and I think most of their mechanics are apprentices .
Don't complain to a forum ,complain to the ACCC and The fair trading commision , tell your local federal and state member . write to Nissan and explain the situation , though they won't care till they have to legally .
But if enough people put in written complaints to ACCC , fair trading , local federal and state members , then they may fight for your cause , and the Major companies { don't believe it is only Nissan that have a pollicy of " we don't care we got your cash"} will only change if we make them legally .
And make sure you write and log the issues , so that after the warranty runs out they can not charge you for something that should have been replaced under warranty and has been faulty since new.