30" LED LIGHT BAR attaching to rollbar

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Apr 3, 2012
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Hey guys, Im stuck for ideas so any would be greatful..

I have a 2011 Navara D22, Im attaching on top of the Roll bar a 30" LED Light Bar which has 3 mounting places.

The problem is because the rollbar is slightly bent like a banana, only 1 out of 3 will mount correctly being only the center one; the other brackets either side of the center bracket are roughly 10 - 15 mm off touching the rollbar.

now because the rollbar is not straight i need almost like a wedge piece to fit in place. Can you guys suggest something? It may not have to be a wedge.

I want it to look as neat as possible.
work out the middle of the bar, drill and fit. pack the outside with washers between the bracket and the bar itself. suggest nylon on both metal surfaces.
have you thought of a rhino rack at the front part of the cab or do you specifically want it on the roll bar
Won't you loose a lot of light by mounting it on the roll bar? It will light your roof up nicely for helicopters to see if you ever need a rescue, but it won't light up the road.
lol i agree...i was going to mount me 4x spotties to sports bar then realise same thing...roof mount to top of windscreen is better and looks meaner

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